It has been in the news today that Risk of heart attack are 21X higher the first day of grief or extreme distress. This means disfellowshipping can cause phsycal harm and can kill. This goes way beyond not showing love. Your thoughts?
Psychological distress/Disfellowshipping and Heart Attacks
by lifestooshort 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have always thought that stress kills, and become more aware of it when I got some fish to take care of. Just frightening a fish is very dangerous to it's health, causes the delicate creatures amune system to break down and makes them more acceptable to deseases that are present.
I know someone who was always been DFed... Walked out in front of a train, I think he just was not paying any attention due to the stress from the JW's that he did not see the train comeing.
Yes, it is not just humans that respond adversely to extreme stress. I also like the point you made about it affecting their immune system. I have wondered in the past if I got sick because I got into a fight with the wife. It is possible if stress weakens the immune system which is very complicated.
Just remembered a story I heard one time, that this woman that worked at a bomb factory and the factory had a small explosion and it scared this woman so bad that her hair turned white instantly.
Seem like a lot of my hair turned grey right after attending meetings with the JW's and sense I quit going I have noticed less grey hairs. I have always looked young for my age and beleive I stayed young looking by remaining calm and not letting things bother me and after attending meetings my age started catching up with me.
I knew a lady who got a white spot on her hair about 2 inch in dia. after going through something tragic.