was working last month with a guy of Algerian dissent who had lived in London for many years, who turned out to be hard core in his Islamic beliefs , needing to pray a certain amount of times a day, wanting to skive off work early each night to pray and took a 2 and a half hour lunch break one Friday so he could find a mosque FFS! Anyway we got talking about our belief system's ( I knew more about Islam/The Prophet/Quran) then he did, but it turned out that he said he had offered me the light that Muslims are supposed to give non believers, and if they reject the message then they are condemned to hell! I spoke about my agnostic/deist belief and how much his message compared similarly with that of fire and brimstone style of Christianity, he claimed that The Quran amalgamated many of the ancient beliefs of Judaism/Christianity/Buddhism etc and were penned so as to give mankind the message from the final prophet Mohammad who had received these revelations through an angel(all bullshit of course) I went on to speak about the many flaws found in the Bible notably the impossibility of the Flood , the contradictions of the creation, right down to the possible evidence that Jesus Christ may never have even existed! therefore making his own holy book flawed, which went well over his head. I ended the one of our many chats with the opinion of how underwhelming the whole message of Christianity and Islam really is if these 2 beliefs are based from God miraculously using these ancient men to directly proclaim his message to the world. He finally spoke about how great the fact is that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, I agreed but also said that so is Atheism!
My conversations with a Muslim at work last month
by jookbeard 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'd have a remote control car starting device if I were you
remote control ignition. lmao
I had a conversation years ago with a Muslim. He was very smug and self-righteous.
Among other things, he claimed the Koran was superior to the Bible because the Bible said the Earth was "a circle". He claimed (I do not know) that the Koran says the earth is like "an egg".
I told him that the earth is a hell of a lot closer to a sphere (circle) than it is egg shaped. I asked him which end of the earth was the pointed one - the North or the South pole? Or, somewhere else?
Like Jookbeards guy, he told me I was an infidel and would burn in hell.
I think some people forget that a similar covenant was made concerning Ishmael and his seed as Isaac had - with the notable exception of the primary line for the messiah. Ismael’s mother (Hagar) was saved by an Angel to protect that covenant - and Jewish/Christian understanding thereof is very week. There is most certainly something there that unites all three groups under the same God.
But who is that god jonnyc ? The god of Abraham presumably, as Abraham is a fictitious character, obviously his god is too.
I think there probably was some historical figure who gave rise to the invention of Abraham, but that "Abraham" would have pre-dated "YHWH" so, which god did he worship ?
It is all very confusing, much better to go to a fiction writer like L Ron Hubbard, at least his stuff is not shrouded in the mists of time, even if it is equally B.S !
I had a very dear and wonderful Muslim friend, Fahim for several years. (He moved away due to a change in work).
We played Chess together. He beat me 90% of the time!
I was invited to his house often and he always was the finest Host I've ever known. He'd serve food, beverages and snacks and no
amount of protest would abate his kind attention.
We had many conversations about a great many topics.
For me, it was remarkable as a learning experience.
He was from Afghanistan and one of the most literate and intelligent people I've known. We enjoyed each other's company.
For Muslims, to be Agnostic is more unforgiveable than to be Atheist. It is inexcusable.
For Muslims, God (Allah) is unknowable and capricious. God does as God wills and you are a fool to analyze or question his ways.
Muslims think Christians are idiots to be buddies with God! It is blasphemous to speak with such Familiarity! They believe the gulf between God and man (even devout believers) is as great as between man and insects.
Muslims consider the bible to be a fraud--mostly. Not all. Jesus was a prophet like any other.
Unlike the bible (the hand of man writing under inspiration) the KORAN is pure because it is GOD ACTUALLY SPEAKING.
The Koran can only be read in original language ARABIC or else it is a LIE.
All translations are lies.
The duty of Muslims is to convert the entire planet Earth to Islam and then the 5th Imam (the hidden Imam) will return and it will be their version of Armageddon.
Jews are enemies of God. America is a friend of the Jews. Both are in the clutches of Satan.
Whereas Christians believe in demons; Muslims believe in Jinns or genies (yeah, like in the magic lamp) who are malevolent.
Every Muslim is obligated to constantly do actual charity work toward ANY person in need. That is why they fast--to personally understand
the feeling of gnawing hunger and to make them more sympathetic.
In the eys of Muslims, American women dress like and act like whores. Americans brag, bully, lie, indulge in blasphemy and feel entitled to go anywhere and do anything they please. (In their moral opinion.)
Muslims do NOT believe in separation of Church and State. This is the key to the underlying Evil in American government; it is not a theocracy.
You cannot and must not separate politics from religion in Islam.
When Muslims see other Muslims killing the innocent they feel the same way non-Muslims do: it is a horrid blasphemy.
They will not/should not publicly denounce such acts, however. They do it privately in prayer to Allah who will repay with vengence.
There is alot more, but, that list should suffice to demonstrate what a fascinating series of conversations we had.
I'm sure not ALL Musilims believe the same thing. The Sunni and the Shiite are blood enemies whose theology diverges, of course.
It all goes back to who was supposed to succeed the Prophet (may his name be blessed) Muhammed. The named successor was ambushed and a false leader replaced him. (Depending on WHICH sect you are talking to, of course).
They do not forgive and forget!!
Another Christian flaw :)
I too have had pleasant times spent in discussion with Muslim people, at the time I was an active JW, but I simply listened to their point of view, although to my now shame, I did foist a booklet of the WT's on one of them the one designed supposedly for followers of Islam.
I never found out what he thought of it, which is a good thing, he was a lecturer in Political Science and must have thought it laughable !
I bet you poiltely refrained, Terry, from pointing out that the provenance of the Koran is as bad as that of the Bible's non-existent provenance.
I bet you poiltely refrained, Terry, from pointing out that the provenance of the Koran is as bad as that of the Bible's non-existent provenance.
Fahim was aware of this and said as much. He is a moderate man of "letters" and most reasonable. I've seen him actually go out of his way
to shoo a fly out of his house rather than swat it. A respect for life which trumps my own in this case!