I have never in my life wished my mother a Happy Birthday. Largely because I know she would find it offensive. And raised in that poisonous environment, I to this day loathe other people knowing when it is my birthday and feel strange when if they do, or even family do wish me a happy birthday. I thank them, I don't resent it, but I know that there is no way I can say this to my mother. In fact, she is so skittish about it that if I were to even call her on the day--meaning today (we speak very little) she would believe that I was calling her ONLY because it was her birthday, and then she would take that the wrong way and find a way to be offended.
The JWs have nullified the last refuge of the negligent friends and family, the ones who, for personal reasons, or distance, or life's tribulations, still feel it is better to wish someone happy birthday, or send a Christmas holiday card, just to say, thinking about you, I haven't forgotten.