Who can explain this better? Scraching my head,,,

by IamPresence2012 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • IamPresence2012

    Let’s examine the some interesting bible verses.

    1. Promotes Incestuous Relations. If everyone is the product of Adam and Eve, then are we all the products of incest?

    2. Ridiculous Timeline. Theologians believe Adam and Eve walked the Earth approximately 6,000 years ago. If “god” created the Earth and it’s contents 6,000 years ago, then explain anything older than 6,000 years, such as dinosaur bones.

    3. No Evidence. There are ancient drawings on cave walls that show pictures of UFO’s. In the bible, “Jesus” allegedly performed many miracles but no one wrote about them until 300 years after his alleged death. Granted people were illiterate back then but surely someone could have drawn a picture of one of his miracles. Even the caveman drew a picture of one of his miracles.

    4. Can the Christian explain genetic diversity? Probably not. Their fairy tale continues with Noah and his fictitious ark. Noah allegedly gathered two of every animal and placed them aboard his ark, along with his family members. That creates several more problems:

    a) How did Noah gather animals that were not indigenous to his homeland, such as penguins, sea lions and walruses?
    b) Once again, are we to believe that we are the products of incest from Noah and his family?
    c) If we all are descendants from Noah and his family, then please explain genetic diversity. Did Noah bring aboard two Caucasian, Hispanic, African and Asian people on his ship, too?
    d) How did Noah gather the millions of insects aboard his ark? How did he find the ones only located in rain forests that are not indigenous to his homeland?
    e) If we are all descendants from Noah, then please explain the reasoning behind different blood types.

  • N.drew

    6000 years refers to the time period of God's attention toward Earth. Perhaps?

    "In the beginning" the first words of scripture can mean the beginning of the narrative. Perhaps?

  • iamwhoiam

    With Jehovah, all things are possible; duh?!?!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think you are going to get responses that are all over the place on this one

  • Larsinger58

    4. Can the Christian explain genetic diversity? Probably not.

    Sure. Adam was black and Eve was white.

    What else do you want to know?


  • Terry

    For my dime, the biggest bust for bible thinking and religious persuasions is this.

    LANGUAGE becomes rubber.

    It can be stretched to fit just about any explanation, excuse, interpretation or rebuttal.

    Is a Day a day? Oh, no! A day can be an "indefinite period", 1,000 years, 24 hours, 7,000 years or.... a year!

    Instead of a day for a year, a day for a year--why not just use plain speaking? Why say 7 days if you mean 49 thousand years? JUST SAY IT!

    So many liberties are taken with language and words it has led to the actual destruction of communication about reality!

    It is like allowing somebody to come into your home and disarm your burglar alarm. After that, anybody or anything can break in and you will remain clueless!!

    People, in general, don't read their bible successfully or effectively (i.e. UNDERSTAND WHAT IS WRITTEN) because nothing means anything. The reader is forced to let some grinning, puffy haired jackass to TELL HIM what it means. Then, pay for the privilege.

    Mean what you say and say what you mean would be really good advice to a truth-teller god.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    To me, the whole issue with something written so long ago (whether it be 1000 years or 3000 years ago or whatever) is that the people writing it had no way of understanding things like bacteria, viruses, electricity, internal combustion engines, etc. So anything they wrote "under inspiration", if it were to be even remotely understandable to them and their decendants, would have to be written in very simplistic terms. Think about explaining to a 2 year old exactly why and when touching a stove is a bad idea. You just can't have that conversation one time and expect the child to "get it". They lack the experience and frame of reference for your explanation to make any sense. But you can say "Don't touch the stove" and expect the child to understand what that means and how to comply with your instruction. Of course, 2 year olds don't have the best memory for things you want them to remember, so you'll have to repeat yourself several times. It is entirely possible that we still aren't advanced enough to really understand the true nature of the universe and how we came to be here and what it all means.

  • blondie

    1. Promotes Incestuous Relations. If everyone is the product of Adam and Eve, then are we all the products of incest?

    The Watchtower teaches that incest was not an issue until the Law was given. That explains how Abraham could marry his half-sister and Moses' mother Jochebed was her husband Amram's aunt.

    2. Ridiculous Timeline. Theologians believe Adam and Eve walked the Earth approximately 6,000 years ago. If “god” created the Earth and it’s contents 6,000 years ago, then explain anything older than 6,000 years, such as dinosaur bones.

    The WT does not teach that the earth is only 6,000 years old. 1) see below

    Dinosaurs 2) the WTS downgrades the radiocarbon dating method as flawed. They also make assumptions of how and why they disappeared admitting that the Bible says nothing about it.

    3. No Evidence. There are ancient drawings on cave walls that show pictures of UFO’s. In the bible, “Jesus” allegedly performed many miracles but no one wrote about them until 300 years after his alleged death. Granted people were illiterate back then but surely someone could have drawn a picture of one of his miracles. Even the caveman drew a picture of one of his miracles.

    There are also no physical descriptions of Jesus in the Bible.

    4. Can the Christian explain genetic diversity? Probably not. Their fairy tale continues with Noah and his fictitious ark. Noah allegedly gathered two of every animal and placed them aboard his ark, along with his family members. That creates several more problems:

    a) How did Noah gather animals that were not indigenous to his homeland, such as penguins, sea lions and walruses?

    Non-WT explanation: on some tv shows I have seen it said that the ark was really a DNA bank.

    b) Once again, are we to believe that we are the products of incest from Noah and his family? (not wrong until Mosaic Law per WT) see #2

    c) If we all are descendants from Noah and his family, then please explain genetic diversity. Did Noah bring aboard two Caucasian, Hispanic, African and Asian people on his ship, too?

    See 3)

    d) How did Noah gather the millions of insects aboard his ark? How did he find the ones only located in rain forests that are not indigenous to his homeland?

    No comment by the WTS....

    e) If we are all descendants from Noah, then please explain the reasoning behind different blood types.

    Are you suggesting there should only be one blood type for all people if the Noah account is true? The bible really doesn't discuss blood types. I have seen 2 shows on science channels that say that non-religious scientists saw they can trace all humans back to one person. Yet we all have a variety of blood types.


    1) *** it-1 p. 527 Creation ***The Scriptures, in stating, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Ge 1:1), leave matters indefinite as to time. This use of the term “beginning” is therefore unassailable, regardless of the age scientists may seek to attach to the earthly globe and to the various planets and other heavenly bodies. The actual time of creation of the material heavens and earth may have been billions of years ago.

    2) *** rs p. 253 par. 1 Marriage ***Why was brother-and-sister marriage not inappropriate at the beginning of mankind’s history? God created Adam and Eve perfect and purposed that all humankind descend from them. (Gen. 1:28; 3:20) Obviously some marrying of close relatives, especially within the first few generations, would occur. Even after sin made its appearance, there was relatively little danger of marked deformities in the children during early generations, because the human race was much closer to the perfection that had been enjoyed by Adam and Eve. This is attested to by the longevity of people then. (See Genesis 5:3-8; 25:7.) But about 2,500 years after Adam became a sinner, God prohibited incestuous marriage. This served to safeguard the offspring and it elevated the sexual morality of Jehovah’s servants above that of people around them who were then engaging in all manner of depraved practices.—See Leviticus 18:2-18.

    3) *** w76 4/15 pp. 255-256 Questions From Readers ***A fundamental fact that we should not overlook is that all humans have descended from the first man, Adam. All persons—whether their skin is red, olive, brown, black, white or yellow—are equally linked, by descent, with Adam. We are all his children. The Bible says: “[God] made out of one man [Adam] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.” (Acts 17:26) The genetic makeup that God gave to Adam was such that extensive variety could develop among his offspring, variety in their hair color and texture, skin color, body size, facial characteristics, and so forth. It seems that, as a result of geographic isolation and other factors, the particular traits became prominent among closely related peoples that in modern times have been termed the races of mankind. (For details, see Awake! of February 8, 1973, pages 5-7.)

  • designs

    Eden was in Arkansas

  • serenitynow!
    Eden was in Arkansas


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