Even if you believe in the religion, usually it is a complete waste of money and time. Going to some religious place takes up valuable time and resources, and you give up much in the way of enjoyment. The place is usually much less enjoyable than a secular monument or natural park, and they are typically crowded. Often, they are located in places where there are legal difficulties getting in or out of their country or where disease, crime, and/or generally poor food or water (or both) are common.
You are better off, if you are going to practice the religion, to practice it at home. It costs nothing (aside the price of the Bible) to read the Bible itself. You can go to whatever church or independent Bible study group you choose, and those are usually fairly inexpensive or free. (Or you choose how much you wish to waste on the collection plate.) If you are into the religious experience, I recommend finding a place that few people know about but has much natural beauty. You could choose to find a remote island in the South Pacific. Or, you can simply drive a few kilometers into a not-so-travelled forest and hike there. Most places have at least one area within half-day's drive where you can appreciate nature. And, if you are on a remote island where nature walks are scarce, a nice sailboat ride into the open ocean can give you the same thing for about 2 days' sailing time and relatively cheap. Chances are, you will spend much less and enjoy the experience more.