Menlo Park KH Lawsuit Dismissed

by Gayle 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gayle
  • Phizzy

    Tell us more. Please.

  • blondie
  • ScenicViewer

    An excerpt,

    A federal judge dismissed the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall lawsuit last week due to filing and jurisdictional issues.

    The judge’s decision to dismiss was not related to the issues in dispute or any of the civil or criminal acts alleged in the case. She dismissed the lawsuit due to the lack of federal jurisdiction over the issues involved. In her written opinion, she pointed out that her court did not have the authority to rule on most of the charges outlined in the plaintiffs lawsuit.

  • LostGeneration

    Lets see if those elders get DFd in short order, wouldn't surprise me one bit.

  • flipper

    Thanks for posting this. I think it's just a " lull in the battle while everyone picks another place to fight " probably in State of California courts which would have more jurisdiction instead of federal courts. Meanwhile it allows the blasted WT attorneys time to scramble around to cover their hind ends. Sigh. It will be interesting to see how this eventually plays out

  • truth_b_known

    This sort of thing happens all the time. A valid suit is filed, but it is filed in a court of a higher jurisdiction than required. I guarentee it will be filed in a California Superior Court if it has not already.

    I read up on this case and noticed that one of the persons named as Plaintiff is Walter St. Clair. I wonder if he is related to Wendel(sp?) St. Clair the Circuit Overseer who terrorized northern California for years back in the 90's.

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