I am exploring a class action lawsuit against the WTS at the moment. I have been in touch with other attorneys on this matter and at the moment I haven't found anyone to take the case just yet. I want to pursue a class action lawsuit against the WTS. With the aid of the 7/15/11 Watchtower among other publications that they have been putting out it seems to me we may have of a chance. I have had discussions with two seprate attorney's in my area and they think this case has merit but because of my location it would be better to take this to a lawyer in a bigger city. They would be better equipped to handle this sort of case. I realize that this has been tried before in the past. Even though the WTS hides behind their first emendment rights and/or ecclessiatical ammunity wouldn't you think that they make that null and void with publishing oppinionated hate talk to target exmembers?
Class Action Slander/Libel Suit Against the WTS
by Igot2bme 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mickey mouse
You'll get a lot of armchair lawyers here telling you that you're wasting your time.
While not familiar with US law, I know in Canada religious entities are exempt from our hate speech laws.
I would hazard a similar provision exists in the states otherwise churches would be prone to lawsuits for printing things like "God kills fags" which in my own opinion is far worse than calling ex-members "mentally diseased"
Not to try to rain on your parade, but you could look up lobby groups that would be affected by things that the WT prints and submit articles to them. Putting public pressure on the WT is much easier through existing channels than trying to get a class action started.
I wish you the best Igot2bme with forming a class action lawsuit against the WTBTS. If you are in the USA, have you thought about sending a letter to the ACLU or a prominent Law School to see who/what they might recommend?
Although the Supreme Court recently ruled that the court will not judge churchs when they terminate ministers, I don't believe that people have tried to sue the WTBTS for promoting discrimination, libel (slander if spoken), and/or child endangerment (i.e., parents refusing whole blood transfusions for thier children, and advising victums/parent's of victums not to submit police reports).
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Don't bother. The constitution makes everything dealing with religious authority out-of-bounds. What they will say is that there is not a court which has jurisdiction over the WT, and this is true. You could only hold them account for a VERY specific thing they say against you. Even then, it would only amount to being able to go after the Elder or person who said it. Proof and testimony are near impossible, since there is very limited aspects you can compel the WT to even disclose or provide the proof you would need in a case.
Your time and money will be wasted. Trust me, there are enough ex-jw attorneys who would make it their fight if one was possible.
I wish you luck. I don't personally see a way of making this work, but I don't see any harm in getting some legal advice. I look forward to hearing what you find out.
Band on the Run
You may have a chance when the First Amendment is revoked. A const'l lawyer who has actually worked on civil rights cases before the Court. Find someone to take it on a contingency basis. The promising talk will disappear.
wha happened?
what law has been broken in your opinion?
Band on the Run
You have no legal chance, not the slightest. Class actions are severely restricted. It never fails to amaze me how elementary schools are not teaching freedom of religion and the First Amendment. I saw countless films on the Pilgrims on the Mayflower coming to the wilderness to have freedom of religion. Besides, I applaud American First Amendment law. If anything, it could be stronger.
Many here law with justice. This is foolhardy. The Supreme Court ruled a slave could not be a citizen. It upheld the civil internment in concentration campsin Japanese Americans, after both the Army and the FBI said they were no threat. The Civil War court was no bastion of fundamental liberty. Law is a tool for the powerful and wealthy.
There are mass media ways, marketing, psychology, --many ways to curb the Witnesses.
Lawyers don't turn down paying cases. Again, ask for a contingency fee arrangement and all your encouraging lawyers will disappear. They are trying to be polite. I can't believe one would write a legal letter for you.