Am I missing any updates
anything new on the Australian courts, JW's & Unthank
by wha happened? 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
If my memory serves, the next hearing is Feb 21st
How you doin' Wha ? O.K now?
wha happened?
thanks phizzy. things are quiet for now
Black Sheep
The sun is shining. They've all gone to the beach. Including the piosneers who are now posing as eye candy to attract lifeguards.
Poineers, eye candy???? REALLY
I cannot recall one that I could have considered eye candy.............(now there was that cute sister that I always thought had a crush on me, or was that my imagination)
Mad Sweeney
I found that young JW ladies were every bit as attractive as "worldly" girls. The vast majority didn't gain their extra 100 pounds until after they got married.