Hey yall, (yes 'ballistic' it's me...)
I started replying individually to your PMs, and then realized that I was typing basically the same thing, so I might as well put it here, and type it only once (well... that's my theory anyway).
I appreciate all of your suggestions on how to do my own website. I'm not interested in doing my own website. I realize that there is software out there that would help me put one together, but it sorta reminds me of the days (years ago) when Desktop Publishing software was made available to the masses.
I remember more than one person that thought that they could use all of the different fonts in their newsletters... and we're talking about hundreds of fonts, so that meant changing the font every paragraph or so. Not a pretty site.
Also, relating it to something I'm more familiar with, I do CAD layouts for printed circuit boards. Anyone can purchase the CAD software these days, and there is even some software out there that is 'free' (you get what you pay for, though). So, there are folks out there that feel they can design and lay out there own printed circuit boards. Well........ maybe. If they don't know what they are doing... they can design crap (and usually do).
This not meant to offend anyone. What I am trying to say is that I know my limits. I am not an expert at website designing, and do not know all of the 'here's how to do it' that is involved, and that someone who does it for a living would know.
This is where I am at with the website. I already have a domain name. I already have a website host. I already have a basic web site up and 'on the air'.
But what I need is a professional website designer to help me get a better site up and running. I don't want to have to sit down and learn how to do it. I guess I'm getting lazy in my old age.
I am designing and building a product that I want to promote on my web site. The product deals with solar energy and LED lighting which I have been using for the past 5 or so years at my home.
I am now ready to commercialize my designs and sell them, and feel that doing so on the web is the best way to do so - hence my web site.
I have a logo for my company, I have the domain name, I have the web site host, what I now need is a good designed web site.
If you will notice, I have not mentioned my website name or url (address). I am doing that on purpose. I am not promoting my web site. I am wanting to get assistance on getting it designed.
I hope this has helped to clarify what I am wanting.
Thanks again to those who have replied to my initial posting. I appreciate it. I really do.
Jim TX