Hey Cult Classic....

by jamiebowers 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    I've got another one of my dad's sayings for you and your husband. It's actually clean enough to post here instead of having to pm it to you. When he's pissed off at someone my dad says, "They ought to shoot him with buzzard guts, and kill him for stinking!"

    The old guy is 74 years old and still going strong despite bad knees and a bad back. And he's still crazy as a bedbug!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    ROFL Jamie! Your dad cracks us up girl.

    You know I'm gonna call for the unedited version....

  • jamiebowers
    You know I'm gonna call for the unedited version....

    There is no unedited version...he must be slipping, LOL!

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