Did any of you ever have the bathroom for your bookstudy too close to where everyone was sitting? I had one bookstudy like that. I never used the bathroom there except for one time when I intentionally went in there to make as loud of a poop as possible as an act of rebellion. Also hated the older brother that always made moaning/grunting type noises in there. Hard to keep a straight face as a young man, hell, even now.
Bathroom too close to the bookstudy?
by i_drank_the_wine 9 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
Not for us. The bathroom was at the far end of the ranch style house from the living room. I don't like houses that have the bathrooms right by the living room, dining room, or kitchen - I'd much rather have the bathroom farther away from the gathering areas.
Reminds me of British black comedian Lenny Henry talking about growing up in a house with an outside toilet. Many of their neighbours were getting their houses renovated with inside loos. Lenny's dad was disgusted "we don't do that sort of thing in the house".
When my son was little and first learning to use the toilet by himself he went into the bathroom at the Bookstudy left the door open and we were all entertained with him singing and peeing.
(bookmarking) I think I will laugh some more later afer I see some more responses here.
*sigh* YES!! We had the bookstudy at an elderly sister's house when I was a kid. The bathroom was right off the living room/dining area! In other words, I walked about 4 feet from the back row and there was the bathroom...literally right next to the table (ew). I was so self-conscious about using that bathroom...I always lifted the lid AND the seat and sat right on the bowl with my butt and legs plugging it up as much as possible so the tinkle sounds would be contained in the toilet!
Our Kingdom Hall bookstudy room shared a wall with the ladies' room... One evening, a sister from the other congregation that was having their TMS went in there and I have NO IDEA what she was doing, but she let out the loudest FART I have ever heard! I swear the wall vibrated!! The MS who was doing the reading stopped, looked at the conductor, turned beet red, and tried his damnedest to continue reading...but he couldn't, bless his heart LOL. He was doing that silent laugh where your whole body shakes and you turn red and can't breathe... At that point, we knew it was pointless to try to stifle the laughter and we all started laughing.
Very funny topic! I remember a newer convert had 3 boys that came to our bookstudy. One would almost always go in there for a MINIMUM of 20 minutes! Obviously he was just trying to burn up time. Once, he was in there for a full 30 MINS!!! At some point his older brother (they were both young, maybe 9 and 7) needed to get in there. He went back and started pounding on the door and eventually crying! What a scene! It was in the hallway just outside the big room in the basement of the house we went to! Something else I tell ya!
I was in a book study where some young jokers trashed the bathroom during the meeting. The homeowner said that no children could go without a parent along. After all it was only 60 minutes. That family opted to change to the KH study. I went to one where it was fairly close to the study room, but if I had to go, I just ran the water in the sink. After one young sister ran the water in the sink and down the stairs into the basement, all the book studies required a parent to escort their child and the lady of the house would check and make sure they were not touring the bedrooms (I know studies where people stole money from bedrooms and medications from the bathroom).
We had book study at an old MS's home, he would barely turn on the AC and have a rickety fan running with the windows open in the den. All this in the nasty florida muggy summer nights. The restroom was right behind the last row and we really tried to avoid using it, as it was kind of rudimentary, the whole portion of the house seemed like an addition. The door was thin and every single thing could be heard. The study conductor elder speaking almost at whisper level was quieter than the noises. Not to mention the older brother adjusting his hearing aid and all you could hear was EEEEEEEEEEEK coming out. Haha the memories.. not.. I was about 10 and nodding off desperate to get back home.
Take your book into the loo and set on the potty with the door ajar so you don't miss one word of spiritual food. Maybe even hold your hand out so you could make a comment while you pinch one off. "The whore of Babylon is.....ggrunnt....ugh....Christendom!....do you have any matches in here?"