Translating Animal 'Talk.'

by fulltimestudent 3 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    Listen first:

    This is an area of particular interest to me. One of the first realisations in my 'awakening,' was eth realisation that the Bible was plain wrong in the statement made at 2 Peter 2:12:

    The KJV translates it as:

    But these, as natural brute* beasts, ...

    In the NWT (large study version), Freddy decided to say:

    But these, like unreasoning animals ...

    The NIV is similar:

    They are like unreasoning animals

    The RSV decided on:

    these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct,

    Even 30 years ago, it was becoming evident, that the idea that animals could not reason (think) was wrong. And, if that idea, as expressed in the above verse, is wrong, then clearly the Bible is not inspired and the whole christian thingie is bullsh*t.

    Since then, science has collected more and more evidence that the idea of 'unreasoning' animals is based on superstition, not evidence. I've posted on this from time to time.

    Now, none of us will understand the gibbon 'talk' in the above video, but by a process of recording sounds, and watching reactions it became clear that different sounds meant different things, and the article in this link discusses the research that went into decoding gibbon-speak.



    *The word that the KJV translates as 'brute,' is alogos with the essential English meaning of:

    1. destitute of reason


      hence 'unreasoning'

  • Magnum

    Thanks for the post.

    I have vast experience with animals and am coming more and more to realize that they are capable of some kind of thinking and reasoning. I mentioned on another thread recently a profound experience I had with an animal - an experience that clearly showed some kind of thinking and reasoning. It happened about six years ago, and I'm still in amazement. Oubliette asked me to relate the account and I'm going to soon. It'll take me a little time to write it down.

  • LisaRose

    I was watching an older male gorilla interact with a younger one at a zoo, he took him by the arm, gave him an inspection then sent him on his way with a loving smack on the buttocks. It was like any human would interact with a young child they had affection for. We are more like animals than not I think.

    I have a cat named Lizzie. She is one of those cats that likes to find things. I can tell from her vocalizations when she has found something she wishes to share with me. She once brought me the end of a ball of string, she was so proud of herself. Unfortunately the other end was still upstairs, lol. She also enjoys music and will sit in back of the TV with her head on the speaker when there is something she likes, she adored phantom of the Opera, for example. On warmer days she sometimes very much wants me to go outside with her, she will come to the window as if she wants to come in, but when I open the door she will drop to the ground and do what I call the "flirty roll", one paw outstretched as if to say "please, please come outside". She will do this three or four times until I give in and go outside with her.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    If they have brains they are capable of reasoning, after all that's what brains do. Human have big brains and so are capable of somewhat more complicated reasoning.

    The bible speaks as if animals don't think, but they do, because they have brains they only don't have the processing power of our big brains.

    The monkey in the tree knows that if he lets go he will fall down.

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