Unashamedly borrowed from a post from morbizbaby on another thread because i thought it was a point that deserved greater disscuion.
In the 20+ years i was in my home cong the only people who got converted from a knock on the door to a dunk in the baptisum pool were the "freindless" Those people who were loners, odd bods, misfits in the comunity. The ones who were on some kind of social service register. Who aged 50 still lived with their parents, never went out and had only imaginary freinds.
Don't get me wrong these are people who often do get missed off the radar by the community and who could do with help and freinds...
And they would get freinds from the JW's. I've seen JW's put up with any kind of embarrasing body odour, werid clothes, strange behaviour and habits and or lack of social skills just so that they can make another convert.... but then!
Poor person they don't know whats coming next. All these lovely new freinds that they thought were so genuine and helpfull suddenly dissapear as soon as they've done the one thing the JW's wanted them to do... get baptised.
Then job done the JW's don't have to be bothered with the embarrsing misfit anymore. Don't have to have their "cool" satus undermined by some werido. Their work is done!
Soon the sniggers behind their backs start being heard. Then they are cast outside the jw social circle. The hall becomes a lonely place as only a few will bother to talk to them.
Now this would be hurtful enough for a normal well adjusted person. But for these fragile ones the contrast is shocking! Very soon they leave, a worse misfit than when they arrived. But now fully conviced that they cannot hande the real world.
But what does it matter to the JW's? They served their purpose, got their hours in , and another unit ticked on the world feild service report. Who cares about the individual?!!