WTBTS & Pedophiles: What the BSA can teach you!

by 00DAD 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • 00DAD

    OK, I guess I picked a poor title for this thread originally so I'm going try again with a different title! (Seven hours and no hits ...)

    The WTBTS could learn a thing or two about dealing with Pedophiles from the Boy Scouts of America.

    Boy Scouts of America: a leader in combatting sexual abuse.

    This Fox News article made some interesting points. The WTBTS could learn a thing or two from the BSA:

    Major youth groups make headway against sex abuse

    [S]everal independent child-protection experts told The Associated Press that the Scouts — though buffeted in the past by many abuse-related lawsuits — are now considered a leader in combatting sexual abuse.

    "The Boy Scouts have the most advanced policies and training," said Victor Vieth, a former prosecutor who heads the National Child Protection Training Center in Minnesota. "With even slight violations, there's no debate. Someone who transgresses one of these rules is moved out — you don't need to give them a second chance."

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I do remember hearing about this years ago. It was a major problem. Well I'm glad they got aggressive with the issue and made the necessary changes. The WTB&TS should do the same

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I like the "no second chances" policy. There's really no way to 100% screen out all who would molest a child - after all there is always a first offense. But once such an offense is known, there is no reason to ever give that person another opportunity to hurt another kid.

  • ScenicViewer

    JWs will defend themselves against child abuse allegations by saying they have no more molestors, per their numbers, than other organizations.

    The difference is that some other organizations show concern for people by taking steps to control/elimanate the problem, whereas JWs take steps to cover it up. Rather than caring about people, JWs care about their own organizational image.

    This is a big difference.

  • 00DAD

    To all: Exactly! Thank for commenting.

    Just to clarify, in my original post I was in no way meaning to imply that the BSA have not made mistakes in this regard, but rather that THEY HAVE MADE CHANGES IN RESPONSE TO THE PROBLEM. Something that the WTBTS has not really done. The changes have been for the most part, far too little, far too late and their mistakes not publicly acknowledged. This lack of acknowledgment is for many a huge part, maybe the biggest part, of the problem. It's the whole "cover-up" aspect which many find the most reprehensible part, at least as far as the culpability of the WT leadership!

    blondie directed me to this Huff Post article which shows how the BSA made some very serious errors in the past:

    Boy Scout Molestation: Officials Failed To Stop Sex Offender

    The article I referenced in my OP shows some steps that the WTBTS could have and should be taking to remedy the situation, but which they largely ignore!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I believe many criminals can be redeemed. Well, some. Sadly, there seems to be no effective treatment for pedophiles, short of castration. I thought it was only a few people until I accessed the state registry with a fluke. They are all around me in this hick town. I interviewed for a job as a caretaker at a home for the mentally disabled. I discovered it was for mentally challenged men with very low mental ages who were repeat offenders. They were not competent to stand trial. As I used the restroom, a window looked out on the neighborhood. The adjacent bldgs. had multiple signs of the presence of young children. It chilled me to my core. The recidivism rate is so high b/c it is such an extraorinarily strong impulse.

    I don't think the Wt actually cares about the pedophiles. The leaders have no children. I see it is as part of their overreaching. Where would a Nathan Knorr or Freddie Franz be in mainstream culture. Way below their WT positions. I read a study of American revolutionary figures. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adam, et al. would never have risen in the strict class system of England. They would have distinction as midlevel bureaucrats at the most. The WT gives the finger to secular law.

    Manson would not care about children or pedophiles. Jim Jones would not. They isolate themselves so much and the brainwashing is on such a grand scale, they lose all humanity.

    My dream was to be a brownie and girl scout. I begged and begged. My mom said someoone might see me entering a church to attend meetings, not to worship. I also believe she could not pay the fees. All the normal experiences I lacked growing up. We had too many foster mothers in our KH who hated children. The children suffered serious neglect and they ran wild. A brother (oh, my, how few brothers compared to sisters) who groomed a child was home free.

  • truth_b_known

    Since the days of Charles Taze Russell, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has made the claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only pure religion. They have taken shots at many religions, especially the Catholic Church, including pointing out the various scandels that plague religions. In addition, they claim that their organization is a spiritual paradise.

    So, to prevent making themselves appear to be hypocrits, they must hide the childe abuse within their ranks. The WTB&TS, especially under Rutherford, has gone to great lengths to make Jehovah's Witnesses stick out from the rest of the world's religions. Although the right thing would be to out the violators to the propert authorities, it would damage the image they are attempting to portray.

    It would be a better Witness to assist the authorities in the prosecution of these vile people. However, that would still mean there is a problems with child abusers inside the organization.

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