What are the most ridiculous purchases made by preachers? I'll start
by average joe 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Band on the Run
I can't click on your link. What prosperity gospel?
Try this.
It refers to a $23,000 marble-topped commode, which to most of us would be pretty extravagant.
Trinity Broadcast Network in Orange County, Ca., drive by sometime looks like they channeled Liberace to do the decorating.
I miss Gene Scott, the irascible TV preacher with the scraggly white beard who smoked cigars!
He'd stop in the middle of something he was saying, interrupting himself and ask in a loud, gruff voice, "AM I BORING YOU??"
I heard him say many times on his TV show (yes, he was highly entertaining!) "If I haven't taught you anything-don't send me any money. But--If you've learned something from me it is incumbent upon you to tithe. The Lord loves a "hilarious" giver! So, I want you laughing hysterically when you write that check."
"Some of you might ask me, 'Gene, what are you going to do with all that money?' and I'll answer you right back: IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMNED BUSINESS! If I want to rent a helicopter, fly out over the Pacific ocean and drop into the water that's MY affair!"
Band on the Run
I think I remember Gene Scott. OH, I saw an entertaining film, Tammy Faye's Eyes, on Netflix. They filmed her at home. Considering that her H went to prison for fraud, many innocent people lost everything, she lived in Trump vulgar style. The opulence could not be denied. She said it was hunky dory because Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Joel Osteen all have better homes.
People with so little financially sent them $ to fund the mission. Someone should run a disclaimer, showing the homes.
Jesus never taught a fiscal prosperity gospel. Quite the oppposite.
Forget about lawyers, doctors, Indian Chiefs. Become a televanglist.
Anybody every heard of Reverend Peter Popoff. Hes got a number you call and you give him anybodys name and he sends you holy water and asks for money. He reportedly bought a nice porsche or something like that.
"Anybody every heard of Reverend Peter Popoff. Hes got a number you call and you give him anybodys name and he sends you holy water and asks for money."
I remember getting involved with that rubbish for a time while I was in college. Astrology and numerology reports were entertainment but, with one exception (which is not around these days) had near zero accuracy (the lone exception was, in fact, accurate beyond pure chance but not totally accurate). The amulets were rubbish, as they did precisely zilch (to boot, they always took their sweet old time in showing up). I got a book called The Guide on the Beyonder scam in 1984, which was about as valuable as a 1 toilet paper bill 10 years after 30-digit daily inflation. (I wasted 10 toilet papers on that book.)
But, the biggest pieces of rubbish always involved the religious solicitations. Getting some Lourdes water was about as useful as a similar quantity of regular water, which this is nothing more than regular water. (About 1 milliliter, if that). And there were the scripture scams where they sent you some rubbish, gave you instructions as to what to do with it, and then ask you to send them a donation. They suggested the amount, but any amount was accepted (and I always sent less to them, with the proviso that I would send more in proportion to the value I actually receive from doing so--no value, no additional donations). I remember getting about 2 grams of clay with the scripture Jeremiah 18:4 with the suggested "scriptural donation" of 18.04 toilet papers. And some red cords to cut and send back, along with another donation. All rubbish.
average joe
I also remember hearing about an air conditioned dog house for jim bakkers dog.