Are Americans awakening to the difference between Religious and Spiritual?

by Fernando 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    Written by by George H. Gallup Jr in 2003:

    As described in The Next American Spirituality, which Tim Jones and I wrote, the pendulum may be swinging away from what is beyond us to what is within us. In the 1999 survey, we asked, "Do you think of spirituality more in a personal and individual sense or more in terms of organized religion and church doctrine?" Almost three-quarters opted for the "personal and individual" response.

    In a January 2002 poll, 50% of Americans described themselves as "religious," while another 33% said they are "spiritual but not religious" (11% said neither and 4% said both).


    (SBNR = Spiritual But Not Religious)

  • wobble

    You have still got a long way to go to catch up with us brits, where 53% describe themselves as not religious.

    I don't know how many in the U.K would describe themselves as spiritual, we tend to be quite disparaging about New Age Hippy type philosophy, and all that "finding yourself" and inward looking self centered stuff is laughed at.

    But many here are finding that contemplating beauty in nature and the arts etc. or better still taking part in them, is just as rewarding as some find religion.

    Such people may not describe themselves as spiritual, but I think they are.

  • Sulla

    Could be. I'm religious, but not spiritual.


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