Letter About Recording Meetings.
by Bangalore 6 Replies latest jw friends
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Wish I had a recording of David Splane going on a rant at the Circuit Assembly I attended some 12 years ago.
I see it isn't the general meetings meant here but elders meetings, JCs. Most congregations record the meetings off the phone, get the one recorded by the KH, or record while they are at the hall. The rank and file would not go to this expense and would be scared crapless to do it. Evidently...this is aimed at their "enemies" based on a paranoid ideation. I can imagine jws facing a JC want to record their meeting but not having to do it from 60 miles away. I wonder why not using cordless phones "for awhile" was suggested? Did the WTS debug the KH.
This letter shows that Watchtower insists on protecting it's own confidential matters, but at the same time the organization is happy to violate the confidentiality of others.
See Juan Viejo2's post 539 here,
AndersonsInfo post 808 at the same link shows another side to Watchtower sneakiness.
It's one more Watchtower double standard.
Interesting conclusion. Yes, I suppose cell phones could be eavesdropped. Or at least that used to be possible. Not sure how easy that is anymore. I thought it was all digital and encrypted now. Although if it is possible, it's through the air and there's no way to know who's intercepting the signal.
However, the so-called "safe" land-lines are often way easier to tap into, IMO. A phone tap that can be plugged into a second outlet and hooked up to a recorder used to be available at Radio Shack. With a few modifications, it could be clipped onto the wires of an outdoor phone junction box on the outside of somebody's house. I know that's where mine is and I've used a rigged phone cord with alligator clips to attach a phone there before when debugging phone issues. And thought, damn, anybody could just hook up here. The only security is a screw. Even if there was no box on the outside, if the telephone wire is visible, it could be stripped and patched into easily enough.
I'm sure with a few other mods, the audio-out on the Radio Shack device could be re-directed to a wireless transmitter so it could be monitored within a small radius (maybe up to down the block or further like the 2-mile walkie-talkies do). Maybe even draw power from the phone line and/or a carefully placed solar cell so you don't have to keep sneaking around the phone box to replace batteries. And this, I'm just guessing is all WAY cheaper than the equipment required to tap into cell phone transmissions. If you build from scratch, I'm sure the parts are probably under $30, if not half that. I think a friend of mine built the Radio Shack equivalent with a microphone plug, a couple of wires, and a resistor.
Not that I'm condoning that. I'm sure it's illegal in most states even if it's your own phone and you don't tell the other person you're recording. I'm just saying, technically, land-lines aren't all that safe. And at least in my area, can be hacked into quite easily.
Although if somebody has invested the $ to intercept cell phone traffic, there's probably a reason they're investing so much and it's not to figure out what the BOE is going to do about the latest rabble rouser in the congregation. It's to capture credit cards and other personal info. These people don't care about congregation elder meetings.
Due to that letter the elders in 2 of the cong's I attended insisted that anyone appointed get a corded phone if they did not have one.