Sharia Law Compatible With Human Rights, Argues Leading Barrister.
by Bangalore 8 Replies latest jw friends
Sharia Law Compatible With Human Rights, Argues Leading Barrister.
Boko Haram, which wants to impose sharia, or Islamic law, on Nigeria's 160 million people, killed more than 500 people in almost daily attacks last year. Before Friday's violence, it had killed more than 70 people this month.
He wants these dudes making the rules????
Perhaps he does. As long as he does not killed by those lunatics himself.
I don't see it. It repudiates the norms for human rights in western countries and other industrialized countries. UN Declaratio nof Human Rights. On the other hand, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holcaust in Europe, ignited by a Catholic, does not make Christianity any better. The West had a very long and bloody history where nation-states became mostly separate from religion. The Puritans imposed their beliefs and worship on outsiders.
Damn stupid paste problems...
Go read Quaran 4:34 where is admonishes denying your wife sex if she is disobediant to you, if she doesnt shape up the exact translation is BEAT HER but muslim scholars say this means lightly beat her.... WTF ?
"Argues leading barrister." Even more than a solicitor, a barrister is not trained to make academic distinctions. They argue every side (perhaps not in criminal prosecutions). Saying something provocatives gives you headlines, which impress clients. I can write "on the one hand....on the other hand" for any situation. I assume that a barrister is supposed to know modern human rights law. There is tension between religoius groups and secular law. Sharia law means the religous element seized control of the laws of society.
When the RChurch ruled, only a few jurisdictions were not ecclesiastical. Over centuries, the king became powerful. English criminals raped, plundered, and murdered. The king had no juris. if they rode their horse to any church facility. Clergy could not be punished. All they had to do to prove they were clergy was to be able to pronounce the first five Latin words of a psalm. The common law developed as the king asserted more juris over the church.
I saw a film that re-enacted the stoning to death of an innocent woman in Iran. Sharia law dictated the stoning. B/c there was no due process rules at all and women could not tesitfy against a man, she had no chance. Perhaps this barrister does not view women as having human rights.
Under Shariah court law, two womens accounts are equal to a mans. Remind you of anyone muuuuuuuch ?