
by berrygerry 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    I'm about half-way through the novel "Watch How We Walk," written in 2013 by a born-in, Jennifer Lovegrove.

    Absolutely worthwhile read.

    Does this paragraph sum up JW-land?

    "I was paranoid again, like I had been back home, as though someone was scrutinizing and judging me. Although I was alone, it reminded me of being at the Kingdom Hall. While the elders preached peace and empathy from the podium, everyone sat and speculated as to who would be the next to be disfellowshipped. Glances darted from behind folded Watchtowers, and every nudge implied knowledge of someone's wrongdoing. A cupped hand at an elder's ear was a conspiracy. Rumours and traitors were rampant. The whispers were ceaseless. There was always bloodlust."

  • brandnew
    Whoa ! !
  • Scully

    I honestly found the book to be a bit over the top... either that or there were a lot of really juicy scandals in her family's congregation. Seriously, there were some fundamental misrepresentations regarding how Meetingsā„¢ were conducted, and how JWs speak with one another.

    I've been in about half a dozen congregations in my 25 years of being a JW, and in total there might have been 1 person per year being DFd, on average. It certainly wasn't a regular thing to the point that you'd be paranoid about being the next one expelled.

  • kairos

    I was in a hall where we experienced multiple DF/reproofs for six weeks in a row!!

    It was really something.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    Only one DF in a year? There were a lot more in my hall growing up. Plus you always heard about the surrounding halls too through the grapevine.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    It was around one per year back in my time. There are a couple of Watchtowers that indicated a 1% disfelowshipping rate per year. It was mostly the young that would get it for obvious reasons.
  • KateWild

    The year that I was Df'd three others were Df'd from the same cong that same year.

    Never mind the other congs in the circuit.

    When you listen to my JC recording you will understand why.

    If you want to hear it and you haven't yet just post a request and I will bump the thread or embed the file.

    Kate xx

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Kate, when were you disfelowshipped? I got df'd in 1980 when a nationwide witch hunt for apostasy was in overdrive (Ray Franz was df'd around the same time).
  • KateWild

    Village Idiot, I got Df'd in April 2012, and woke up in Feb 2013.

    I tried to wake up my fellow Df'd brothers and sister as we were all attending all the meetings and trying to get RI'd.

    I left WT in Nov 2013....

    Kate xx

  • Vidiot


    My worst sources of anxiety involve inexplicably finding myself back in High School with no clothes on.

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