Wish I had been more prepared to say something intelligent like others I have read about on here . Usually the Witness by-pass our house ,so I was not even thinking it might be them when someone knocked an hour ago . It was a young man ,maybe 17 , and a subsitute CO I remember from yrs ago .
The young man started talking right away about reading me a scripture ,he already had it open in his paperback Bible (tacky looking if you ask me ). I interrupted him right away and said ," Oh HI ,your one of the Allen brothers arn't you ? You don't remember me do you ? " . He smiled and looked at me and said ," No I am sorry I don't " boo hoo so easily forgotten ........I said ," Oh well you were really young when we quit going to meetings , it's okay " ," I am not interested ,but you have a great day !"
I wish I could have said something more witty or got him to talk some ...guess i should have waited to listen to his presentation first ,poor kid probably worked really hard on it ,and he would have gotten brownie points from the CO !
Well I guess I should prepare my own presentation for the next time , if that ever happens .
Now I wonder if that CO will go back and ask the Elders who I am and why i quit ? We actually hosted this CO and his wife a couple of times yrs ago for dinner . Shouldn't be surprised he doesn't remember me cause I am having a hard time remembering his name .....I think it was Frank ....something ....from Peoria IL area .