Taste of their own medicine

by CaptainSchmideo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Don't know if this has been posted before, but I just saw it on Cracked.com, so I thought I would share.


    January 24, 2002

    The Calling

    They would just drop in. Once a month for the past 12 years, always uninvited. Jane White would answer the door of her East Sussex home to find smiling Jehovah’s Witnesses offering the latest issue of The Watchtower and the chance to hook up with their kind of Jesus. She would tell them to go away. But they’d come back. After the one visit too many, Jane White returned the favour by banging on the Kingdom Hall doors at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, right in the middle of services, and offered those within free magazines. Her crusade lasted 30 minutes before police arrived and told her to shove off. “It is not the religion I object to, it is just the intrusion into my privacy which I find annoying,” White explained. A spokesman for Britain’s Jehovah’s Witnesses said that, had they known White didn’t want the visits, they would have stopped coming. White expects that they now know. : —Scott Saxon

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    gotta love it

  • Deceived

    OMG that is so ironic and priceless. Great Post!!!

  • Dagney

    Oh that's rich!

    Problem is JW's would completely miss the point. They would see this person at her wits end as crazy, but arrogantly see themselves as persecuted for doing the lord's work in these "last days" (TM). They have a god given mission; logic, reason, respect for others does not factor in.

    Bravo to this lady though!

  • Phizzy

    It really highlights the need for the public to be made aware of the JW/WT system of noting the "Do Not Call" homes, if this were more generally known it would have a two-fold effect, the public would not be troubled by some numb-nuts with some magazines written for educationally challenged cretins, and the dubs would soon have so few doors to knock on they would actually have to go and present their message in a sensible manner.

    If they had a sensible message that would not be so much of a challenge , but as it is, with no cogent message, they would have a problem.

    How can we get the message out there that the public do not need to have a cult member knocking on their door ? (I know the LDS/mormons might still call, but they are quite sweet)

  • jam

    Funny story. Early 70,s the wife and I owned A

    cleaning service, mostly residential. The first day for

    A new customer. A sign on the door, "no JW". We rung

    the bell, she came to the door and we told her, we are

    the cleaning service but we are JWs. She explain, I work

    here in my home and they (Jw) often interrupt. So she

    removed the sign. After two years we got out of the business.

    A few months later we went by to see if she put the

    sign up again. She did.

  • finallysomepride

    should try it LOL

  • WTWizard

    If they knew the people didn't want such visits, they would stop.

    What rubbish is that? Once a month, they show up at your door and you tell them that you are not interested. So they return, regularly, and you are still not interested. Isn't that a sign that you don't want such recruitment visits?

    And just try telling Danny Haszard what that spokesperson told the British press. He had warned them repeatedly, posted No Trespassing signs prominently, placed surveilance cameras around to catch them in the act, and probably even tried the police. Nothing worked until he let them know in no uncertain terms that, if they continued visiting them, they would be in for harsh consequences. It took pepper spray for them to stop harassing him--and to this day I am not sure that even that worked for good. What's to say that they wouldn't keep returning to make sure this householder is still not interested, every single month, as if the slate is wiped clean? Nothing.

    And yes, they deserved to have their boasting session disrupted. How many times do the witlesses knock on a door and keep knocking, disrupting private events? They even go door to door on holidays. The one year I knocked on doors on Thanksgiving Day, I (and the group that was with me--it was a relatively big group that day) disrupted plenty of Thanksgiving dinners. I wonder how many were in the middle of their Thanksgiving prayer when we knocked on their door. To me, that is as serious as having a boasting session disrupted. Whether it be 5 or 6 people or 100 makes no difference. And anyone that knocks on doors on Christmas morning is going to disrupt plenty of present openings, family gatherings, and holiday dinners.

    Hopefully, the witlesses got an injunction against knocking on this householder's door that has no expiration date. No fair waiting until next month and seeing if it is still valid. Not unless they wish to have the SWAT team knocking on the Kingdumb Hell door at 10 in the morning and rounding up all the hounders and pious-sneers that disrupt household activities and seizing private Kingdumb Hell doctrines.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Good on her, lol.

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