Famous Singer Patti Smith was a JW
by Iamallcool 7 Replies latest jw friends
Patti Smith ROCKS!
Patti Smith was NEVER a JW. Her mother was.
Wiki says she had a strong religious upbringing with Bible education and that she left as a teenager. She may never have been baptized but being raised counts as being a jws.
I have read on other sites they mention jws, but notice wiki does not name the religion.
I like her music, all very Bob Dylanestic .
The video has been removed lam.
Band on the Run
I read about her JW status when she was just becoming a name. It offers me hope. She certainly isn't warped by her JW background. Imagining the creativity she has, I wonder how she survived as a Witness. She seems like an antiWitness in many ways.
Patti is toward the end. I think Wiki has been changed b/c I know I read once in there that she was raised one of jws, and now I see it has been changed to a strong religious upbringing and Bible education. she may have done this to distance herself from jws or to make her mother happy. ( so as to not embarrass her mom , some jw parents would feel like that ).
I read her bio while I was still deciding if JW's were really 'The truth.' I contribute reading her biography with helping me with my exit.