The autobiography of Leonard Smith (known in France as brother Leonard) has been published in the latest April 15th Watchtower.
Here are some quotes from another tread (
The Trinity brochure was published (89) after I left (86), but I noticed some similarities with earlier material which was produced by the French Writing dept. (especially Leonard Smith) in the early 80s (e.g. the "Divine Name" brochure, which I translated into French, although the first draft was produced by the French Writing dept. and then thoroughly "rewritten" by someone in "Brooklyn"). Same for several patristic articles into the 90s (with a lot of French quotes). — Narkissos
Leonard Smith was a real "heavy." Many writers spoke positively about his work, especially Peloyan. Maybe somehow Harry and Leonard collaborated or maybe Harry just "borrowed" Leonard's work? — AndersonsInfo
Leonard Smith was (I don't know if he's still alive) a very nice and educated person. He and his team contributed a lot of research but afaik all that he wrote was subject to discretionary "correction" or rewriting by "Brooklyn". He would find out (with certain frustration) what was left of his papers when the English issue was released, and that was the basis for French translation of course... In such cases the Writing dept. usually handed the original French text to the translators (especially for French quotations), and we could appreciate the difference. Raymond Franz told me he knew him quite well (as did another poster whom I miss, Hillary step) and had very open conversations with him the last time he came to France officially (in the late 70s). He apparently had figured out a lot of things but had set clear personal limits he would not overstep, as far as "loyalty" to the organisation was concerned. He was the Branch Committee member who was sent to deal with me when I candidly suggested to ask Brooklyn about what I felt was an impossible statement in a Fred Franz Watchtower article (as I have told before). — Narkissos
I was not very close to [Leonard Smith] because he was in Boulogne and I was in Louviers, but he was quite friendly to me down to this episode (included, actually). His coquetterie was a kind of legend among French witnesses, and in Bethel in particular; he spent most of his life in France and cultivated his British accent jealously, while insisting on being called by his first name as if it were his patronym, even on assembly programs (S. Léonard), not to sound foreign. Most JWs never knew his real name was Smith. — Narkissos