What happened to this CO, I hear he is at Gilead, I would love to know what this good brother is up to.
Friends from Texas or Oklahoma, What Happened to Sam Robertson CO?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's what I have heard, that he teaches at Gilead at Patterson. I've also heard from two sources that he now partakes of the emblems.
also heard from two sources that he now partakes of the emblems
Lol, that's now the ultimate way to reach out.
He seems to be following in Ed Dunlap's footsteps.
I've also heard from two sources that he now partakes of the emblems. . . . that's now the ultimate way to reach out.
Fast tracking to the GB?
Maybe the GB reached out to him and asked: "Are you sure you don't want to partake of the emblems this year?... we received NuLite from Jehovah that leads us to believe that you are of the annointed and should probably join us soon."
He seems to be following in Ed Dunlap's footsteps.
Just for the record, Ed never partook of the emblems while he was a JW. He told me that he refused to do it because he viewed the JW two-tier system to be phony and did not want to support it - even after he realized that all christians should partake.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
@James Wood, I ran into a 94 year old ex traveling overseer, went to Gilead and spoke highly of Ed Dunlap. This ex-CO never spoke ill against Ray Frantz, he keeps his comments to people he trusts.
When did Sammy start partaking of the emblems, did he experience the "Jerusalem Syndrome" * ( At this rate, we will have 288,000 kings and priest) because each year, more and more JWs are partaking of the emblems, I think we could hit 500,000 after the "144,000" teaching is taught to be symbolic! If the growth rate continues, this will be exciting and upbuilding for each congregation. Will emblem partakers outnumber regular dubs by 2040?
How can we say for certainty that Jehovah held back the filling of the 144,000, when history is loaded with men and women who were made of real substance, died for their beliefs, burned at the stake. The Watchtower has claimed early christians did not have the full knowledge, nor do we (We keep changing our stance on "Superior Authorities" "Generation", dates, new light" this proves, anyone who claims to be of the 144,000 is suspect "mentally diseased or mislead, emotionally imbalanced or plain wrong!" with our previous interpretations.
* Jerusalem Syndrome I took this from Wiki: I added some terms in brackets JWs would understand better.
" The Jersusalem Syndrome (Gilead Syndrome) is a group of mental phenomena involving the presence of either religiously themed obsessive ideas (We are the 144,000 Kings) delusions or other psychosis-like experiences that are triggered by a visit to the city of Jerusalem (Bethel, Patterson). It is not endemic to one single religion or denomination but has affected Jews, Christians and Muslims of many different backgrounds.
The best known, although not the most prevalent, manifestation of the Jerusalem syndrome is the phenomenon whereby a person who seems previously balanced and devoid of any signs of psychopathology becomes psychotic after arriving in Jerusalem. The psychosis is characterised by an intense religious theme (Thinking they are of the 144,000) and typically resolves to full recovery after a few weeks or after being removed from the area (Expelled for thinking on their own). The religious focus of the Jerusalem syndrome (Bethel Syndrome) distinguishes it from other phenomena, such as the Stendhal syndrome, which is reported in Florence, Italy, or the Paris syndrome, which has been reported predominantly in Japanese individuals.