Check out the National Geographic web site for the up comming program on "Preppers". These are people that are prepared for the end.
by mann377 6 Replies latest jw friends
This broad class of people is quite interesting . What is fascinating is that they have so many sub-groups.
Prepping for what? Everything from total economic collapse, solar flares that destroy the powergrid, asteroids, and the old reliable (and realistic), threat of nuclear warfare.
I remember the Cuban missle crises/cold war days when the supermarket where I worked in the San Fernando valley was left with bare shelves within 24 hours after Kennedy's speech. In those days, fallout shelters were considered a wise investment.
Because of where we live and potential weather related isolation we keep a well stocked pantry. But this is not the same thing as well armed "preppers" waiting for their neighbors to get hungry enough to try and take their food. Most of the people shown are overweight. Maybe food is their security blanket.
interesting phenomenon.
Band on the Run
I have very vivid memories of the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missle Crisis. Growing up in the NY area, we did not know why we had to do drills. We were goiing to be dust. Feel sorry for the survivors in Vt.
I begged my father to build an air raid shelter. There was so much tension for little kids. I recall when the US was going to intercept a Soviet ship delivering goods during the blockade. My mom told me about it with much excitement. I wanted to die with her, my mother, rather than at school. The collision was definitely going to happen during school hours. It seemed this should be the exception to go to school rule.
Now I disscuss my fears with Cuba poli sci experts. I believed it was going to the US vs. Soviet Union. They assure me that the worst case scenario was far less, a limited land war. I wish my fifth grade teacher were a poli. sci.
I was one of those raised in the Duck and Cover days of being in school during the 50s. A teacher said his brother had been in the Army during the Nuclear tests in Nevada, he was one of a group who were used as close field test subjects, when the bomb went off he could see his skeleton, he died later from bone cancer.
At least they are smart enough to realize they need to prepare. JW's are just going to let Jehovah take care of averything after armegeddon.
I noticed that show. Some people are too extreme. But a diisaster plan is good. I live in tornado and flood areas. And winter blizzards. I'm working on a comprehensive survival kit.
LDS have a 1 year food storage plan why did we not any plan, were we expecting manna.