that is to any land line or cell phone in usa or canada! great way to save some minutes or download it from google...i access it through my gmail the phone feature on the left column and a dial pad all you need is a mic and speakers or a headset mic...and they give your laptop an actual phone number...when somebody dials my google phone rings through on my cell phone!!! i dont even know how it does that but i have a droid and use everything google has for it..............enjoy......oompa
friendly voice feature gives us free phone service for 2012
by oompa 8 Replies latest jw friends
Yes . look at
For about $ can buy a analog digtal adapter and hook your house phone to it and use it for free calls to the states an Canada. With this unit no computer is needed to be on like Magic Jack. You just can not used it for 911 calls.
Band on the Run
I'm a bit confused. A friend pointed it out to me this week. I just noted it. Do you need a headset microphone? I am able to Skype with my laptop mic. No idea where it is located. Do you just talk via Google voice and your computer or do you need a physical phone? The price seems incredible.
Google should have publicized this a bit more. I am usiing Google Voice to read a transcript of my voice mail messages. It enables me to get through much more quickly than listening to them. Also, some of the transcriptions are so far off base that they are entertaining.
Google voice is awesome. Satisfied customer here. The only downside is just that they record calls. I dont use google voice for too many phone calls, I use it more for text messaging. Theres been a few times when I was on the phone with someone and the automated system announced this call is being recorded. It was embarrasing. I would recommend that you let the person know that your on google voice. I would give the service 97%.
I have a magic jack also and it is awesome!
This is the wave of the future. Slow death of the landline phone. 21st century is in the house!
Band on the Run
I recall Ma Bell! All the posters in the 1960s. It was class warfare and tied to the War in Viet Nam.
I love google voice. I have a used smartphone. I loaded a google voice app on it, and as long as I'm within wifi range (Which always) I can make and recieve phone calls for free. When I'm not in wifi range I use a prepaid tracfone.
If someone calls me while I'm not in wifi range, it's fine, it automatically forwards it to my tracfone. Meaning I pay about $50 per YEAR for the phone service my coworkers pay $70 per month for.
Also google voice will dictate voicemails, and I recieve them as an email. Which is way more conveinent than listening to idiots rambling long voicemails.
Lastly, I can record any incomming calls by pressing 4 during the call. Which is rarely useful, but I did use it once and was glad I had it.
It's just good all the way around.
I would recommend that you let the person know that your on google voice.
Yes, especially if you are having phone sex.
Rub a Dub