My wife, a Jehovah’s Witness, buys our daughter valentines and lollipops with a Valentine’s Day theme. She then takes the time to put them together the night before Valentine’s Day and sends them with our daughter to school on Valentine’s Day. What would you think of such a Jehovah’s Witness?
On the night before Valentine’s Day, I go out and buy my daughters and my wife balloons, candy, and Valentine’s Day cards. My oldest even picks out the type of candy to buy for my wife. The next day, my wife goes out and buys each of us candy, and makes two handmade cards for the girls. She even orders pizza so I would not have to cook that night, all for Valentine’s Day. What would you think of such a Jehovah’s Witness?
My wife is talking about birthday parties with my oldest daughter and she even took her to a birthday party of her best friend. The party was held at a public place so there certainly was a chance (albeit a slim one since we live in a large area) that she could’ve been spotted by another Jehovah’s Witness. I wonder if she even thinks about that possibility.
My wife has in times past spoken of wanting to return to our hometown, a small city with less than 50,000 people. It is very hard to go anywhere without bumping into someone you know and there are indeed a good number of witnesses in the area. Especially considering that the city is made up mostly of Christians who have no real clue what life is like in any cosmopolitan type of area. To them, interdenominational protestant churches are the closest thing they will ever see to interfaith.
My wife wants to return to that? Granted, I get the whole being close to family and having their support and all, but here where we live she is a free woman who can live her life pretty much as she chooses. Back home, if she were to do those things I mentioned, she is liable to be reported to the elders. Most likely, the person reporting her would be her cousin in retaliation for my wife reporting her to the elders some three years ago (they still do not speak to each other to this day because of it, which is so sad).
Do you know active witnesses who live like this?