The "GOD VIRUS" and demise of WT in the West

by hamsterbait 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Am finishing Darrell Ray's book "The God Virus - how religion infects our lives and culture."

    Beliefs that do not appeal, are not compelling, die out because nobody cares about them to pass them on.

    Like an infection, these ideas are passed on from one person to another. Viruses that kill their host too quickly die out because there is a shorter time window to pass it on.

    Ebola, the earliest mutations of AIDS viruses, even plague kill their victims so quickly an outbreak soon passes. Only those immune are left alive

    This is the point about the current WT religion. It is so unappealing to the majority that most people are immune to it, and dont even take a study to get infected.

    The young ones are being "killed" by the virus in huge numbers and leaving without passing it on . Eventually the only carriers will be the old ones, who rarely pass it on, and that with decreasing success, as the virus "kills" them too with dissappointment despair and disillusionment.

    It's a great book, and clearly written.

    It also shows why the WT still carries on its crazed campaign about masturbation. They know every kid in the world does it. it is not about stamping out the behavior, it is about instilling GUILT, as this makes the subject more receptive to the infection. Like a disease, individuals are destroyed, but the infection is only interested in self-propagation.


  • just Ron
    just Ron

    Another good post on the virus got most of the same thoughts from his youtube videos.


  • WTWizard

    I got that book, and I see the same thing happening to Christianity in general. True, the Washtowel is up the creek without a paddle and a barb wire canoe. The fewer people left to handle the load, the more likely it is to simply fall apart. Boasting sessions quietly get cancelled because no one attends them, and Kingdumb Hells simply fall apart. Donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund plummet. Eventually they don't have enough funds to finance the work in Nigeria, where people still fall for the rubbish.

    Now, if I wanted to start a Christian "virus" that is going to last indefinitely, I would strip it of rules until it's down to the core. Simply by virtue of that Jesus' sacrifice was supposed to be the only one ever needed, adding anything to it would desecrate it. I don't think very many people would balk at the idea that redundant sacrifice is sinful--the cost is always greater than the benefit. Any additional rules are unnecessary. And virtually everyone in it would pass it down to their generations. It would also do very little damage, since extra sacrifice and burdensome rules would be gone.

    Islam is almost as simple to strip of damaging rules. Simply reducing it to its simplest core, you arrive at doing good works and refraining from bad works in the name of Allah. The remaining "in the name of Allah" would be the only sacrifice left (in Islam, there is no perfect sacrifice to desecrate). Doing good works (works that benefit self and/or society) and refraining from doing bad works (that harm self and/or society) would benefit society in general, and advance things. Rules that add to this would simply not be needed. No women in face veils. No beatings for stupid infringements. No mandatory Ramadan fasting. Just doing good works--again, that can hardly damage anyone.

    If one would put out these mutations of "viruses", they would do almost no damage. They would last forever, because it would be so easy to implement and beneficial. You leave out stupid and oppressive rules, and the rules that are left are virtually impossible to misinterpret. You would also need no missionaries, since once these concepts get into schools at the core level, no one is going to escape--and no one is going to find it better to abandon it later.

  • frankiespeakin

    I guess it is all points of view. I don't see religion as a virus, I see it as a projection from the unconscious and manipulated by ego consciousness to an extent(exploited). I think these projections from the unconscious can give us insight if examined psychologically into the deeper nature of human psyche.

    Maybe I could view it as as a thought virus since it has the power to replicate itself once infecting someone. But as we know not all viruses are harmful and some later get incorporated into symbiotic relationship with a species.

  • frankiespeakin

    I do see the extinction of the thought virus common among JWs unless it morphs into something more sustainable than this "end of world" archetype. More and more organizational changes needed but highly unlikely as the ones running the organization are mostly set in their ways with little room for creativity as seen by the repeatability of the same themes used over and over again. All progress has it self chained to this rut it has dug for itself based on its delusional lie they are "more special to God than the rest of the world because they got some bible understanding right" that it refuses face the truth.

    What do we expect delusional psychotics to do? Extinction seems be in the cards since we are so deep in the information age. Yeah they will probably get eat up by a bigger virus introduced by the internet coming into every home throught the world? I mean what better way to homogenize it than through the web of information.

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