Am finishing Darrell Ray's book "The God Virus - how religion infects our lives and culture."
Beliefs that do not appeal, are not compelling, die out because nobody cares about them to pass them on.
Like an infection, these ideas are passed on from one person to another. Viruses that kill their host too quickly die out because there is a shorter time window to pass it on.
Ebola, the earliest mutations of AIDS viruses, even plague kill their victims so quickly an outbreak soon passes. Only those immune are left alive
This is the point about the current WT religion. It is so unappealing to the majority that most people are immune to it, and dont even take a study to get infected.
The young ones are being "killed" by the virus in huge numbers and leaving without passing it on . Eventually the only carriers will be the old ones, who rarely pass it on, and that with decreasing success, as the virus "kills" them too with dissappointment despair and disillusionment.
It's a great book, and clearly written.
It also shows why the WT still carries on its crazed campaign about masturbation. They know every kid in the world does it. it is not about stamping out the behavior, it is about instilling GUILT, as this makes the subject more receptive to the infection. Like a disease, individuals are destroyed, but the infection is only interested in self-propagation.