If you haven't heard the latest about the prosecution of the Watchtower Society in Australia, please check out these threads.
I resent the suggestion that enforcing a law that is designed to protect children is "not in the public interest". I think the Director of Public Prosecutions could come under a lot of public pressure if it became widely known that he is taking that stand.
I'm glad that many of us are emailing the Director of Public Prosecutions in the few hours that remain before the next hearing. I think that there may be other things that can be done as well. I started a trending topic on Twitter #protectingchildrenisinthepublicinterest It's already getting some tweets. If you use that hashtag, you can join in the public discussion. I thought that Twitter might be one of the best places to spread this message in a limited amount of time.
It might be a good idea to also contact some news agencies. I think that if we can show that there is already a lively discussion on the subject, they might be more willing to pick up the story.
I also discovered that the phrase "protecting children is in the public interest" is a phrase that has almost never been used on the Internet until today. I'm sure we can dominate that slogan with our blog posts, discussions, tweets etc.
I look forward to your comments and ideas.