Online art exhibit and live chat 5-8 PM PST with artist Jess Black. The art exhibit is on his experience being raised as a JW and leaving the religion.
Tonight an Online Art Exhibit & Live chat with former JW
by discreetslave 3 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
Somehow I get the feeling that active JWs will brush him off as another immoral degenerate who didn't want to serve Jehovah........ not saying I agree with that, just sayin...........
Doesn't matter to them what you become after you leave the religion it's all the same to them. He is someone who broke free and has followed his dream. The youth may be able to relate to him and get inspired he left at 17. It's great that his family is free as well.
Thanks for posting the update on this exhibit. It's nice to know his family are out of the religion too.