Jehovah’s Witnesses Accepting Blood Transfusion

by Marvin Shilmer 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Jehovah’s Witnesses Accepting Blood Transfusion

    Today I added a new article to my blog documenting the historical dissent among Jehovah’s Witnesses against Watchtower’s blood doctrine.

    Many participant here will be surprised to learn that from the very beginning of Watchtower’s ban against blood transfusion it has acknowledged the not all Jehovah’s Witnesses agreed with the teaching and that, in fact, the teaching had created a division among Witnesses. Watchtower admits both.

    The article also demonstrates that active Jehovah’s Witnesses of today do in fact accept blood transfusion and they make this choice in good conscience because they see nothing at all wrong with it.

    My article is titled Jehovah’s Witnesses Accepting Blood Transfusion and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Alfred

    What's good for JWs in Bulgaria should also be good for JWs worldwide...

    The WT needs to start searching their data base for JWs who have been disfellowshipped in the past for accepting transfusions (whether fractions or whole)... once they have this nailed down, they need to start looking at making things right with these victims of un-scriptural shunning.

  • james_woods

    I thought that the penalty for accepting a blood transfusion was like that for accepting a military commission - that is, you were assumed to have "dissassociated yourself" - so that the society could not be faced with legal issues if they had disfellowshipped you.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Your 1961 date is very interesting, when enforcement began.

    I knew of an elderly brother in my congregation who had a blood transfusion in the late 1950's. It was common knowledge but nothing was ever done about it. Looking back I often wondered why. That date explains it.


  • james_woods

    Just for what it may be worth, I knew of a few cases where a blood transfusion was given, but it was later claimed that non-believing family or else the doctors ordered it without the knowledge of the witness who received it. Which was pretty questionable - but nothing was done about it.

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