Have you heard this skit, about the family that decided to stay home from meeting. Instead of attending the T.M.S. and Book Study, they stayed at home to watch the TV. The urban legend goes on to relate, the weak family's child was playing ball in the street, and was hit by a "Bus, Car, Train" and died. Sister rigtheous pioneer, will comment "Oh, If only this family had went to meeting, their child would still be alive!" There are lots of stories, "Home Invasions on Meeting Night" sister "stay at home" was raped, "She would not have been violated, if she had not cancelled her Field Service part." What are local legends about "Not missing meetings" in your area? The sad part, is the brother or sister, who is able to give these comments, with a smile "Don't Miss Meetings, Or Else".
"The Family Who Missed Meeting, And Their Child Was Hit By A Bus"
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh yeah. It was terrible. Handsome little lad named Andre got hit by a bus belonging to one of the churches of Babylon the Great. Was on the news and everything.
I recall a case where a car-load of jw's out in service were killed (1 think 4) during field service??? What then???
Chemical Emotions
I've heard some similar ones as those, the "real life" ones, not skits. A brother didn't go to meeting and got murdered...the rest of the JWs didn't because they weren't at home..."true" story. Ha.
How about the earthquake in Haiti? I heard the only JWs that got killed were inactive ones that weren't in field service.
your cartoon graphics makes me smile.
The CO's main job is to stir up the congregations into emotional disarray (they are not completely aware of this). They do this, in part, by finding a juicy story and then nudging it down the paved JW Gossip Road. My CO told a story to us in service one day. It was about an apostate that had made his way into being an elder (CRAFTY MACinaTIONS! Oh my!) who got caught snooping. This apostate, right before making a break for it in a JW parking lot, said that he had enough to take the org down. The CIRCUIT OVERSEER that was speaking then said that before he could get out of the parking lot he had a heart attack and died. As can be easily deduced the story is from a real event of someone actually running away, however the heart attack may not have happened until many years after or maybe not at all. All it takes is for the lips of a CO to say something and it travels down Gossip Road which only leads to pain and suffering which prepares the mind for controlling.
breakfast of champions
This apostate, right before making a break for it in a JW parking lot, said that he had enough to take the org down.
Golly, what could some wicked evil apostate know about god's clean, earthly organization that would bring it down?
Yan Bibiyan
A home invasion in progress. Little old sister sees the roberer and yells "Acts 2:38". The roberer freezes until the police gets there and while arrested says he though the lady said: "I have an axe and two 38's".
Collective "A-a-ahhh"
End of fairy tale.