JW's at my door today with a science presentation.

by InterestedOne 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • InterestedOne

    I live in a not-so-nice urban neighborhood in the US (Mid-Atlantic). This is the first time English-speaking JW's have knocked when I've been home. It was interesting to observe them now after spending last year as a study and attending a KH. They were two older African American men.

    One stayed on the sidewalk, and the other was on the porch. The one on the porch had the booklet "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?" opened to a section talking about how we only use part of our brains. Then he opened a NWT and said that reading "god's word" can make us smarter.

    What I found most interesting was his smooth tone of voice and gentle demeanor. Since I had spent some time last year sitting in at the midweek Theocratic Ministry School, his style reminded me of how the TMS teaches JW's to speak. He asked if they could return next week, and I said, "yeah sure." After they left, I thought about how his smooth, gentle tone could draw in someone who doesn't know much about the JW's. Especially someone who is going through a rough time.

    My schedule fluctuates, so I may not even be home when they come back, but if they catch me, I plan to just let them talk and observe them. I won't say anything unless they ask me a direct question.

    Any comments?

  • Morbidzbaby

    Well, for one thing, you can tell them next week that the myth that we only use ten percent of our brains is completely bogus. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=do-we-really-use-only-10 So, therefore, the Watchtower needs to quit perpetuating myths and announcing them as facts. This particular myth has been debunked for a very long time. Just goes to show how behind the times they really are. Ask these nice gentlemen for a source for their publishing company's research on that subject. See if they're willing to find one. Then print out the article from Scientific American that I posted a link to and show them YOUR sources. Proceed with "If they're wrong about that, what else are they wrong about?".

    I dunno...could be fun...

  • Bella15

    They are good at keeping their cool ... lol!

    Be careful with JWs ... I truly believe they have certain kind of spirit in them and it is not the Holy Spirit ...

  • InterestedOne

    Thanks Morbidzbaby! Great idea. I'll look into it. I wonder what their reaction will be, especially if I am just as nice, gentle and innocently reading the information.

  • serenitynow!

    Be careful, you don't want to get seduced back into the cancer!

  • InterestedOne

    Thanks for the warning serenitynow! I was never in. I was an "interested one" because I had a crush on a female JW and wanted to understand her religious beliefs. I realized pretty quickly that the WT material was inane, but I found myself more interested in how the people managed to believe it. The process helped me to shed some vestiges of my own nonsensical religious beliefs, and I doubt I will ever be religious again.

  • MrMonroe

    Their trick is always to lay out the JW scenario of what the future holds, and back it up with what their translation of the Bible says. In many cases other translations contradict their version.

    They love to show how scriptures "link up", so therefore they blend in texts from different books, including OT and NT. Much of that is a concoction that creates a fiction, albeit a convincing one. Armageddon is a perfect example: Rutherford knitted together unrelated scriptures in Ezekiel, Revelation, Matthew, Joel and others to build a picture of how the nations will do this, and God will do that.

    Their "classes" are a similiar fiction: they use circular reasoning to explain why parables must "foreshadow" groups of people in later years: the "evil slave", the "faithful slave", the "John" class, and all these again simply reinforce pre-existing doctrines.

    They are skilled at convincing people these complicated doctrines must be true .... and although you may not understand it now, well, just accept it and deal with it later. When it;s one householder against two JWs skilled at finding just the right scripture to back up their doctrine, it's hard to combat.

  • diamondiiz

    myth that we only use ten percent of our brains

    Ahhh the memories. I remember when I was still a new dub, I think there was an article or something that said we only use 1/10 or only 1% of the brain, an a "friend" commented on it and I vividly remember saying that I thought GB used selective quotes(must have been around 1991-92). Man oh man, and I lasted some 17 years longer in that shit hole before finally realizing it was all a con!

    LOL imagine we use 1% of the brain and in the new system we'll use 99% more of our brain, we'll all be geniuses!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    I won't say anything unless they ask me a direct question.

    There is usually something faulty with their question, so trying to answer the question rather than deconstructing it will play into their hands.

    They are supposed to have all the answers, so ask them questions .............. then keep them honest.

    Good luck with that



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