Militant apostate wants to become the Steven Unthank of America!

by koolaid-man 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • koolaid-man

    Former Jehovah's Witness Monique from Calfifornia is destined to become the Steven Unthank of America.

    Reading about Unthank online is what caused her to exit The Organization, just two months ago. Monique applauds Mr Unthanks efforts in charging The The Watchtower Organization in not complying with police background checks in Australia. The business Monique is currently involved in required her in to get a background check.

    She has approached the state of California and is inquiring why the Jehovah's do not have to comply with background checks,as other businesses and organizations do. Monique is a militant apostate and she is attempting to organize a movement to get other former Witnesses in their state to push for JW background checks. Monique will be our guest Sat. Feb. 25, 2012 7pm. est. on The Six Screens of The Watchtower Conference Call. It is easy to get on the call just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use # 9925 Our lines open at 6:30 pm. est. so come on early and talk with all those "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower"
  • JeffT
    She has approached the state of California and is inquiring why the Jehovah's do not have to comply with background checks,as other businesses and organizations do.

    Took me all of about two minutes to find this. It would seem that if there are exemptions they apply to everybody and not just JW's.

  • Iamallcool

    good catch

  • koolaid-man

    Thank you Iamallcool, I knew you would like it.... I kept it calm.

    I did not want to post the most shocking part of her story here as many get offended and do not believe what is being said.

    Listen in tonight and see how she was shocked after making a six hundred dollar donation at an assembly hall credit card terminal in California.

  • Alfred

    People don't get offended by your so-called "shock"... they get offended by your "lies"

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, you are still full of lies, sorry.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, my first post of this thread was a response to JeffT's post.

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