How would you prove that the Watchtower rejects Jesus?

by Fernando 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    These are the immediate thoughts that come to mind for me:

    Jesus was against religion/ists (Matthew 23 esp v15).

    The Watchtower is pro-religion - their version.

    The Watchtower teaches a "religion about Jesus" instead of a relationship with him. They do this because Jesus always has led people away from the Sanhedrin (Governing Body) and the Pharisees (ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy).

    These "builders" of religion stumble at using the "stone of stumbling" and the "rockmass of offense" when building their God defying religious empires to rule over and control the laity class (dumb sheeple) with inane rules (legalism) and other devices of supremacist self-righteousness. Matt 21:42; Acts 4:11; 1 Pet 2:7,8.

    "The ugliest religion in the world is a Christless Christianity" (Mike Wells, "The Death of Religion").

    What have you seen that proves that the Watchtower is not really for Jesus and genuine discipleship (simple Jesus followers)?

  • Alfred

    I remember in the 70's and 80's Jesus took a backseat to Jehovah in every book, public talk, WT magazine, and JW conversations... he was very rarely mentioned (every conversation was always heavily loaded with Jehovah or the faithful and discreet Slave, and sometimes Jesus)... Then, in the 90's, I noticed a slight shift and lately, it seems that they're trying to seem more pro-Jesus than ever before... not sure what brought this on but I have to think they are simply adjusting to the laws of "supply and demand"...

  • Ding
    What have you seen that proves that the Watchtower is not really for Jesus and genuine discipleship (simple Jesus followers)?

    The Memorial.

    Read what Jesus said in John 6:53ff.

    Then go watch millions of JWs pass the emblems by at the Memorial.

    By their own symbolic testimony, they are admitting that they have no part in the blood and body of Christ.

    They don't think they need it.

    They are basing their salvation on their obedience to the self-proclaimed "faithful and discreet slave organization," not on Jesus and his sacrifice.

    They think Jesus' sacrifice doesn't apply directly to them, just to a small, unidentified group of "anointed ones."

    The WTS tells the "great crowd" of JWs that Jesus isn't their mediator.

    The organization has supplanted Jesus.

  • designs

    Why shouldn't Jesus Last Supper be ignored.

  • Phizzy

    "There is ONE mediator between God and men........ Christ Jesus " 1Tim2v5 NWT vs 6 says "this is what is to be witnessed to.."

    JW's reject this and "witness to" their belief that the GB is the mediator. So they reject Jesus, and the witnessing work that they should be doing.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There is no objective proof. We tend to project our fears, hopes, wishes onto Jesus, rather than a historical person. I don't think Jesus was a Cecil B. DeMille production or JC Superstar.

    Jesus placed great emphasis on love. I never felt love or caring from the Society.

    The Trinity is now crucial to me but I was so confused between mainstream views and the Witnesses. It was a blend of mish mash to me.

    Jesus said to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, what you do for the least of these you do for me. The WT has no charity--even for JWs.

    Jesus would use mass communication as the song goes in JC Superstar. The son of man would not choose such a geeky, minority cult.

    The Witness view of Jesus annoy me. Yet my present Episcopal beliefs would be crazy to someone from another planet. Jesus? Christ is much more complicated. What are the Witness fruits? Basically, God said his creation was good. A few chapters later he destroys everyone except on the ark.

    A public school education convinced me it is a fraud. Basically, it is a gut feeling.

    It is conceivable they are correct and that I am wrong. Imagine life everlasting in their theocracy. I'd rather live in Iran.

  • designs

    How would you prove that christendom inc. has rejected a simple itinerant Rabbi from 2000 years ago.

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