These are the immediate thoughts that come to mind for me:
Jesus was against religion/ists (Matthew 23 esp v15).
The Watchtower is pro-religion - their version.
The Watchtower teaches a "religion about Jesus" instead of a relationship with him. They do this because Jesus always has led people away from the Sanhedrin (Governing Body) and the Pharisees (ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy).
These "builders" of religion stumble at using the "stone of stumbling" and the "rockmass of offense" when building their God defying religious empires to rule over and control the laity class (dumb sheeple) with inane rules (legalism) and other devices of supremacist self-righteousness. Matt 21:42; Acts 4:11; 1 Pet 2:7,8.
"The ugliest religion in the world is a Christless Christianity" (Mike Wells, "The Death of Religion").
What have you seen that proves that the Watchtower is not really for Jesus and genuine discipleship (simple Jesus followers)?