..Now read this. Reasoning book page 65 paragraph 3 -- " Two things can help us to understand the Bible correctly. First, consider the context (surrounding verses) of any statement. Next, compare texts with other statements in the Bible that deal with the same subject. In that way we are letting God's own Word guide our thinking, and the interpretation is not ours but his. That is the approach taken in the Watch Tower publications. "
Think about it.. Has the Watchtower changed their interpretation of a Scripture? (superior authorities for example)
by The Quiet One 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Quiet One
Doesn't anybody find it interesting that the interpretations they print are Gods, according to this statement? I won't bump this thread again if its not interesting..
Changes in light bulb technology have aided them into clearer understanding. Except the times that they went back to their original understanding. Then changed again. And f%ck you very much if you question or don't understand what we tell you.
Just look at how many times their interpretation relies on not taking the context into consideration ! i.e Blood Doctrine.
If they had truly got god's thinking via his word, their interpretation would never change.
Amelia Ashton
Is the "we" the GB or the reader who may or not be part of the 144k?
The first part of that paragraph stated :"Twisting the Scriptures to fit our own ideas can result in lasting harm". They have a nerve!
It's amazing how wrong God can be.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
I've always gotten a kick out of hearing witlesses say everyone else interprets the Bible wrong because they take things out of context or only view one scripture without reading the surrounding verses.
That's exactly what they do!