Will there be a SECOND Armageddon in the year 2914?

by Alfred 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    OK... I know the answer... absolutely not....

    But where does the Watchtower get this idea that Satan will be released in the year 2914 (1914 + 1,000) to test the faith of JWs who have been cleaning up the planet for a thousand years? Which Bible texts have they taken out of context to arrive at this bizarre and exclusive JW teaching?

    Also, what are they saying will happen to the those who fail this "final test"? Are they somehow implying that a second Armageddon will rid the earth of those who fail this test?

    (No wonder more and more JWs are on anti-depresants... they're probably wondering if they'll have to continue being slaves for another 1,000 years only to die in the SECOND Armageddon over some slip-up)

  • mP

    hwre im going to'predict and say that the wts will say 2014 is a big event. the best way to'divert attention and alsomcause alarm to gain new followers is another stunt. by sayingnsomething somrediculous that no jw will question it. hitler himself said the more rediculous the lie the less people will question, after all nobody would be that stupid unless it were true.

    im going tompredict that they celebrate one hundred years of jesus presence in heaven and perhaps he starting to mobolize his forces on earth to give warmings to the earth that he is travelling down.

    when this happens, please re,ember to vote for me as #1 or top dog at the gb!

  • TimothyT

    I used to think that the test at the end of the 1000 years would be scarier that Armageddon. It frightened me to think that even then in paradise there would be some who would rebel. Anyway... if what the JW say is right, which i dont think it is, then it may aswell be a mini Armageddon where the wicked are once again removed.

    Hehe... i feel the JWs will all be so excited for 2014. Even if the WTS doesnt say that this is the year (coz i think they have learnt their lesson), i think on January 2015 there will be a huge amount of sighing in the organisation. :)

  • Flat_Accent

    I cannot wait for 2015 to roll around just to see the look on their faces. ;D But I always thought it was funny that in the Revelation book, all the rebels in the new world have red bandanas and are carrying sticks. What's the problem with bandanas!!

  • NeonMadman

    I don't believe I've ever seen it in a WT pub where they specified that 2914 would be when Satan would be released. In fact, their teachings would seem to argue against that date. The 1000 years begin at Armageddon, not in 1914. Satan is released at the end of the 1000 years. Since Armageddon has not yet occurred, the 1000 years have not begun, therefore, could not end in 2914. Do you have a citation from a publication where it mentions this date?

  • Alfred

    NeonMadman... good point...

    So I guess Jesus has been sitting on his throne for the past 98 years twiddling his thumbs until the Big A begins so he can clock in and start his 1,000 year shift... this doctrine is so humorous...

  • simon17

    Read the account in Revelation: the end of 1000 years test is going to be just as bloody a bloodbath as Armagehddon according to that. It says the number of opposers will become "as numerous as the grains of sand" and that the opposers led by Satan will "completely encircle the few holy ones left" before being exterminated for all time.

    It makes one wonder about the challenge of Universal Sovreignty, right? After Manking is given his chance to rule for several thousand years, 99.9% of the population rejects god. And after GOD gets his chance to rule for a thousand years, it appears most people STILL don't chose his way of rulership!! How in the world does that = Win for God????? Who DECIDES the challenge of who is the best ruler for mankind? If its the ruled (humans) then the choice is clear. If its the ruler (God), well, then he should have made that decision a long ass time ago.

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