Let's keep it really simple. That way we won't get confused.
Things happen.
What can we say about Things that happen?
Things that happen are POSSIBLE!
However, we may have thought "such things are impossible."
So, as unlikely as it seemed to us, the things which only seemed impossible were really possible.
Still with me?
Things that happen ARE ALWAYS DEFINITELY POSSIBLE. Hint: otherwise, they would not and could not happen. Ever!
Now, what about Things that DON'T happen?
These things may, conversely SEEM POSSIBLE. They may seem quite likely and even CERTAIN.
But, Things that DON'T happen may be the opposite of our expectations.
Can we boldly declare that Things that DON'T happen are impossible?
Well, we can declare it--but, that doesn't mean we are right.
So, what can we definitely say about THINGS THAT HAPPEN vs THINGS THAT DON'T?
EVENTS are only events when they actually OCCUR!
Non occurance does not an "event" make!
Take the resurrection of the "faithful worthies of old" as promised by J.F.Rutherford in his public talks MILLION NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE, for example.
Rutherford made 1925 the year of THINGS THAT HAPPEN. He definitely planted expectations around resurrection on Jehovah's Authority and also based on his -interpretation of scriptures IN HIS CAPACITY as a "Faithful, Discreet Slave".
1925 came and departed demonstrating THINGS THAT DON'T HAPPEN.
J.F.Rutherford was vocal in declaring "I made an ass of myself." But, he failed to point out that he had also made an ass out of Jehovah's reputation as the leader of the Watchtower Society and made an ass out of all who listened to Rutherford and believed!
Things that DON'T happen (when they are fully endowed with Divine Authority) are FALSE things.
What about the "MILLIONS" who were promised they "WILL NEVER DIE"?
Those millions are dead. Death was an event. Death for these Millions was not SUPPOSED to be THINGS THAT HAPPEN.
See where we are going with all this?
The difference between THINGS that HAPPEN and THINGS that DON'T happen comes down to the ACTUAL FACTS around expectations of those events or non-events.
Putting your credibility on the line, putting god's Name and Authority on the line, putting your fellow humble and obedient followers faith on the line MAKES THE OUTCOME OF EVENTS something of a CLEAR TEST of Truth or Fraud.
Once events that are NOT supposed to happen actually HAPPEN...
and once events that are SUPPOSED to happen actually DON'T happen....
the cat is out of the bag, the story is told, the evidence is now proof. FACTS don't lie.
We have a very clear basis for judging the merit of the authority of Jehovah's Witnesses as the "chosen" or "True" religion.