Why I think the Governing Body are the world's ultimate 'predators'

by Esse quam videri 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    In a previous posting I made the statement that the Governing Body were the world's ultimate predators. I will now give some reasons why this may be so.

    For the purpose of this post I will provide the following definitions:

    - predator - a human who lives by predation

    - predation - a mode of life by which a person acquires from another person or persons, that which they desire, usually for the sustenance and enjoyment of their life, but also to accomplish a goal or purpose. This may include getting food, clothing and shelter or more abstractly, prestige ,image and control of another person or persons. This control may range from authority to require simple instructions and tasks be performed to complete subjection of the prey.

    - This can be divided into two main categories. The first is willing submission by the prey - passive predation, The second is unwilling submission - aggressive predation.

    - Passive predation - would cause the prey to willingly submit to the will of the predator. If the predator supplied some benefit to the prey and fulfilled a desire of the prey, the prey would be more willing to submit without question. The benefit or fulfilled desire may be a reality or an illusion, however, in the prey’s mind, it would be real enough to willingly or even happily remain in subjection. A bond of affection for the predator may develop in the prey’s mind and heart. The prey’s needs would be supplied by the predator. These needs could include food, clothing, shelter, social standing, association and fulfillment of the prey’s own goals and purposes.

    - Aggressive predation – would force the prey to submit to the will of the predator. The prey would be convinced that they would suffer in some way that would be damaging or harmful enough to force the prey to submit to the will of predator. Fear of loss, instilled by manipulation of words and threats, would be a primary method used by the predator. The predator would use threats to the prey, involving their life, happiness, social standing, loss of family relationships and material loss. The predator would use all avenues to bring this fear into the mind and heart of the prey, by highlighting examples of other damaged and harmed prey, by using agents specially taught to promote the predators purposes as well as the use of speeches and printed matter.

    In the animal world the top predators stand out as most dangerous and in control. In the jungle the tiger would seem to some to be the ultimate predator. However, it would quickly become apparent that the lion has a great advantage over the tiger because it is a pack animal. The huge male rarely kills for the food. This is usually left up to the smaller females, successful because they work as a team. In the world’s oceans the great white shark may first come to mind as the ultimate predator, however, again the prize would go the animals working as a team. This time the killer whale wins first prize, being able to kill and devour much larger whales because it works as a team. In North America the grizzly may come to mind as the ultimate predator, however, two or three wolves, working together, can easily chase a large brown bear away from their kill. The wolf pack can run down virtually any prey it pursues, with persistence and team work. Again, the pack animal comes out ahead.

    In the world of mankind, many predators who initially seemed to be in control have suffered defeat. Confidence men such as Bernie Madoff, who lived on the avails of a huge Ponzi scheme for years now looks to die behind prison walls. Numerous world leaders and business men, who seemed to have total control at the time, have gone down in defeat. What is the secret of being the ultimate predator? I submit that the following conditions would apply.

    The ultimate predator would;

    - work as a pack, a team effort.

    - have the support of a sufficient number of people to support their lifestyle and goals, whether these supporters did so willingly or unwillingly.

    - have no fear of threats, inside their organization, endangering their lifestyle or purposes.

    - have no fear of threats, outside their organization, endangering their lifestyle or purposes.

    - have total control over their environment.

    - be able to control their environment for a very long time with no fear of loss of control.

    To be called the ULTIMATE PREDATOR, I submit that, in all the earth, there is no group of men who qualify more than the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Unlike world leaders, they have no threat or fear of assassination or losing an election. They have no fear of an almost endless source of devoted followers willing to donate time and money for their projects. They have shown that they can manipulate the thinking of a worldwide membership, making radical changes in core beliefs, without the slightest ripple of rebellion or even questioning from the members. They have made statements concerning their position in God’s arrangement that should shake member’s beliefs to their core, such as stating that they are the mediator between God and man. They are now positioning themselves for further control by locking into the financial support of the congregations by making it compulsory and gaining ownership control of all properties. The future is being well planned for their continued control. They are the world’s ULTIMATE PREDATORS.


  • WTWizard
    I call them parasites more than predators. They actively look for victims, lure them under threat of Gehenna, and then suck the life out of them. At least with a true predator, they will slaughter you before they eat you instead of eating you alive.
  • _Morpheus

    1)Carcharodon carcharias

    2)Crocodylus porosus

    3) Accipiter gentilis

    4) Poecilotheria metallica

    5,384) Governing body of jehovahs witnesses

  • Vidiot

    Yeah, as predators go, the GB's pretty low on the totem pole compared to others.

  • Londo111
    Yes, I agree with parasites, rather than predators. It doesn’t necessarily imply intention. I’m sure in nature, parasites don’t conceive of themselves as such. But the effects are the same.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    I agree with Morpheus.

    For me, primary examples of ultimate predators are Crocodylus porosus and C. niloticus. Other examples would be Smilodon, Lycaon pictus and Mantis religiosa.

    The GB are made up of clowns that not only shouldn't be left alone with children but also couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery.

  • FayeDunaway
    They are spiders catching people in their webs and sucking the juice out.
  • _Morpheus


    Great list. I choose one croc as a representive of the whole species and you certainly cant go wrong with the nile v salty.

    I would have loved to rank smildon and other extinct species higher but the original question seemed to imply "living" or currently active predators as opposed to a comprehesive list that included historical flora and fauna. Megladon would rank very on my list, for instance as would various reptiles. Of course so much of what we "know" regarding these creatures is based on supposition and conjecture so i may have to move them down slightly in ranking to reflect the unknown nature of their true behaviour.

    i too would rank several species of canius as top predators and your choice is one i need to read up more, so im glad you mentioned them

    excellent choice of insect! They are fairly well established locally and i have enjoyed observing them in the wild. My personal choice of insect (arachnid) reflected my own fear of spiders as well as facination with them. I also gave them points for beauty and potential danger to humans.

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