Everytime I click on it, it asks my computer to download a file. Not cool.
Uh, What's Wrong with the Topic I just Started?
by AllTimeJeff 9 Replies latest jw friends
I am seeing the same thing.
I can read it in IE, but Chrome asks me to download a file. Weird.
okay, I will see if I can see it on IE.
totaly not cool it happened too me too!!
Lol. It would be funny if it were sabotoged. Oh well. Who knows.
It's a real good thread! Here is the original post again:
My picture is in the January 1, 2006 Watchtower.
Why am I telling you this? Consider this my small weekend contribution to the cause of real truth.
Any JW who has been one for a while, or a born in, knows the regard that pioneers, elders, Bethelites and missionaries have. Most know of the work and sacrifice one must be willing to make in order to reach these "spiritual goals." I was one of those who sacrificed.
I want you all to know something, esp you lurking JW's: Apostates are just like most every other person you meet. I am writing this because while you have been told that apostates are evil and have been taught and conditioned to be scared of those who leave, you shouldn't be worried. And at the end of this, I am going to bring up a formula that is a challenge to any practicing JW who reads this.
I write this because today, I was thinking of all the fear that I had as a JW. Fear keeps you from the truth. It doesn't lead you to it.
Remember, JW's prime work is to go door to door to " expose " tell others the flaws about their own faith. Yet, they cannot listen, nor read about real flaws and inconsistencies of their own religion. Have you ever wondered why, deep down, you can't look at anything former JW's have to say?
The reason is as you have wondered about, or feared: There is a lot that the leadership of JW's doesn't want you to know. A lot of hypocrisy, a lot of sinning by the leadership, and frankly, a lot of teachings and doctrines that don't make any sense.
Oh, and all the prophecies that didn't, haven't, and won't come true.
I am hoping my fellow posters here on JWN will post some of the doctrines and hypocrisies that run totally counter to any claim JW's could possibly make that they are the one true religion. Maybe you can start with the fact that the date JW's have counted from to 1914 is false. Have you ever wondered why JW's are the only ones who say Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE, when EVERYONE else says 587/586 BCE? Yup, even your school books? Because without 607 BCE, there is no 1914. And without 1914, there is no Jehovah's Witnesses. The leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses have consistently lied about 607 BCE and 1914 for decades to keep their power "legitimate". Nothing could be further from the truth.
Don't be scared to read that. It is true. And there are other lies, many lies. I have nothing to gain by saying this, it's simply the truth.
The other part of the formula as I mentioned at the beginning, is you, and your willingness to do what you ask others to do when you knock on the doors: Be honest with yourself, and be willing to look at the evidence, no matter what it may show.
Are you willing to do that?
I am seeing the same thing on IE too.
Did you post your picture on the another thread?
The Quiet One
It must have been me, it's happened before.. That's it, I'm leaving. It's for the best.
get one All time jeff I enjoyed reading that .. funny it sounds exactly like Stephen Colbert is reading it in my head.... I don't know why ..
So this is the thing that made me finally look... I was talking to and old friend about why I didn't celebrate Christmas... I was exasperated because she had no Idea of the pagan origins.... and I blurted out " don't people every examine their own beliefs".... and i stopped it was like a light went on in my head ... I had never done this either... OMG I just told some one to do something I HAD NEVER DONE... got on Google read JWrecovery for about three days straight... that was 2009 it took two years later to fully grasp the gross misconduct of the WTBTS.. that was this Christmas..