The Environmental Crimes of the WTS

by Mindchild 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    The Environmental Crimes of the WTS

    This is a thread that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time but haven’t really had the time to do the research needed to flesh out things completely. The objective of my research is to show the true environmental cost of being a Jehovah’s Witness and furthermore to prepare the information for publication in online environmental websites for the intent of rallying support to change WTS policies to make their organization more environmentally friendly.

    Perhaps this is a strange concept for many of you reading this because we normally don’t think of the Watchtower Society as a dirty industry. After all, they just do printing right? Actually no. For example, lets take a look at the environmental consequences of what roughly one million people in the USA alone do and then compare this with a million dubs to see if there is any significant difference.

    For the start of this discussion (and I hope you can add your own input in following posts on things you noticed as well) I will just focus on the costs of driving for the American public.

    The following information is taken from the Minnesota State Government website at:

    Here is a breakdown of information you need to understand the effects of driving for one million people.

    As consumers, we are driving more than ever before. In 1980 the average number of miles traveled per person was 5,540 and by 2000 the average was 10,549 miles per person. Fuel efficiency has not kept up with our increased use of vehicles. In 1980, the average fuel economy was 22.5 miles per gallon. By 2000, the average was 24 miles per gallon. (Includes cars, light trucks and SUVs)
    Using these statistics then, we find that the average person in the USA uses somewhere between 22.5 and 24 mpg. Using a mid range then of 19.4 mpg, the average person purchases 543.8 gallons of gas per year. One million people then, would be using 543,800,000 gallons of gas per year.

    How does the typical JW compare here? Well, the way I see it, not only does he have a “normal” lifestyle that includes doing everything from going to work, shopping, etc. he also has an imposed lifestyle that includes going to meetings and field service.

    I did some quick calculations and here is what I come up with:

    Activity Dist… X/YR..Total

    Book study…. 10…... 50….. 500
    TMS/SM…. 12….. 50….. 600
    PT/WTS…. 12….. 50….. 600
    Sat FS 25…. 50….. 1250.. 24
    Sun FS 15…. 50….. 750… 24
    Circuit Ass…. 500…. 1……. 500
    District Ass… 1000.. 1……. 1000

    This amounted to a total of 5200 miles and 216.7 gallons of gas

    As you can see then, this is almost double the amount of traveling that the average person does per year. In reality, it probably is more than double when you consider the number of pioneers, elders visits, and other JW related activity.

    I therefore suggest that just in this one example, that nearly the Jehovah’s Witnesses for their evangelical activity are using 217,000,000 of gasoline annually. When you consider that there is roughly six million JW’s worldwide, we are not talking about a minor environmental impact. It could easily be a billion gallons of gasoline worldwide per year!

    If you haven’t glossed over this fact yet, maybe you realize that the price we pay at the pump isn’t the true economic cost for our energy consumption. I encourage you to read this article in full, which relates to what energy prices really cost:

    Governments also subsidize energy prices in more indirect ways. In 1989, it was estimated that the United States' military spent between $15 and $54 billion safeguarding oil supplies in the Middle East. The Gulf War in 1991 cost at least an additional $30 billion on top of the regular yearly expense. The most conservative estimate of military spending represents a government subsidy of $23.50 per barrel of oil imported into the U.S. This is a significant amount, approximately equal to the market price of a barrel of crude oil. If the cost of safeguarding oil supplies were paid for by oil consumers, gasoline prices at the pumps would be much higher.
    Thus, not counting the environmental costs (coming in a moment) the true economic costs for the Witnesses to do what they do this year amounted to around an extra $101,990,000.00 we as citizens paid out in our taxes, for them to knock on doors.

    The environmental costs for Witness driving

    Using the sources here:
    1. How Healthy Are We, Capital Health Regional Public Health Report, 1997..
    2. Driving Ourselves Sane. Jim Boothroyd, Canadian Geographic.
    3. Environment Canada, 1990.

    I was able to see that (1) 4 tons of pollutants are released by one car each year. (2)
    Automobiles account for ¾ of smog-creating pollutants formed when nitrogen oxides meet hydrocarbons in the sun. (3) 45% of all greenhouse gases are released from cars.

    So, using the examples above again, in the USA we are looking at 2 million extra tons of pollution being released by the Witnesses.

    If you ask me, it is pretty damn offensive.

    What else is there to add? How about the amount of electrical power they use in their meetings? How much paper do they use printing their magazines? Can you think of any ways they can be kinder to the environment (outside of just stopping?)

    Kind Regards,


  • Valis

    Why worry about the environment when jehovah is going to clean everything up and destroy all the wicked world sooner or later? For that matter, why have a savings account, or go to college, or become well read? It will all be ok....I agree w/you Mind entirely. All those books that get written in and thrown away, and WTs and Awakes make quite a pile of dead trees to say the least,


    District Overbeer

  • anewperson

    Mindchild, calculate how many average-sized trees are destroyed a year to supply books, mags, booklets, etc for members and non-members. Paper production also involves harsh stinking chemicals. Figure and comment on the environmental impact for that too please.

  • Mindchild

    Anyone know how many pages in the average Watchtower and Awake mags? What is the circulation of each these days? Are they still 8 1/2 by 11 inches in size?


  • Mindchild

    Just a cartoon I found that illustrated the real cost of how much gas costs:

  • Bodhisattva

    WT and Awake are both 32 pages each, 24 times per year each. Size is 7 x 9 inches. Figure 20 million copies of each printed (interesting to look at reported placements plus publishers, subtract sum from the product of average printing times 24, and figure out how many million are gathering dust in drawers). KM is same size but not full color; my recollection is 4 pages most months with 8 page editions coming out quarterly, thus 64 pages per year. Add 10 million new release books, another 6 million books for new book study publications, 10 million new release 32-page brochures.

    Magazines: 2 mags x 32 pages x 24 editions per year x 20 million = 30.72 thousand million pages.

    KM's: 64 pages per year x 6 million = 384 million pages.

    Books and brochures: 1 new book x 256 pages x 1/3 size of mag page x 10 million, 1 study book x 256 pages x 1/3 size x 6 million, 1 new brochure x 32 pages x 10 million = 1.685 thousand million

    32.789 billion* without counting book, brochure, and tract placements, which are probably only 2/3 to 1/2 of the number consumed (remainder age until tosed because of yellowing), so add these according to annual report.

    32.789 billion x 7 x 9 inches = over 2 trillion* square inches, 14.3 billion square feet, equivalent to 115 million rolls of Scott tissues, but not as soft.

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

    * "Billion" = 10^9 and "Trillion" = 10^12 per U.S. usage

    Edited for formatting and addition of two paragraphs, and correcting book to magazine page factor from 1/2 to 1/3.

  • Mindchild

    Wow talk about a lot of butt wipes! Bodhisativa thanks for doing the math on the paperwork. Damn, if they would make their publication paper softer it would go a long ways towards to really serving a useful function for the public (manufacturing toilet paper.) Maybe we can get the toilet paper companies to do a buyout of Bethel? lol

    Well, more seriously, I have more information to post later about the costs of this paper, energy costs and much more. I'm willing to guess that it is a lot higher than anyone thinks.


  • teejay


    Impressive research and nice presentation!

    However, I think you may be overlooking the activities that non-JWs engage in that lead them to consume every bit as much petroleum products, if not more than the average JW...

    There's football, baseball and soccer practice two or three times a week all year, requiring parents to ferry their children to and fro; non-JWs are more likely to vacation (more often) further from home, requiring more gasoline consumption; weekends are spent at the lake or some other place out in the country where watercraft, motorbikes, four-wheelers and other gas-consuming machines use massive amounts of petrol and throw tons of pollutants into the air; non-JWs who make no claims of neutrality, fully support war efforts and so are at least partially liable for the over use of resources and environmental damage....

    This is not to even mention the social clubs, the churches, and other night-life that non-JWs participate in that requires the non-work use of cars, busses, trains, etc.

  • patio34

    Wow Mindchild, thanks for that interesting analysis. It's mind-boggling what the effect on the environment is. Moreover, they usually use vans and SUVs for their activity. And for what? To engage in a non-productive, sterile activity that they usually hate too.

    How sad to consider all the waste the WTBS causes, in human lives, misery, and now the environment too.

    Maybe they would like to do an article on this!


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

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