Want to embarrass the JWs? An idea

by dmouse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Ok, so I admit to impliment this idea takes more balls than I've got but I know there are some crazy ex JWs out there (no offence intended, I love you all!) that it might appeal to.

    That idea is STREAKING!!!!

    I was watching a program on TV last night streaking (running butt naked into a crowded public arena) and perhaps mainly the UK members remember the stir caused by Erica Roe?

    Steaking always seems to capture the public's imagination and the press love it too.

    Imagine thousands of JWs sitting in the stiffling heat at the convention listening to stiffling talk after stiffling talk when suddenly a buzz goes up...a naked man/woman is running across the pitch! Will the JWs dare to laugh? Will they avert their gaze? Will Mrs JW cover hubby JW's eyes when the breasts come bouncing towards the crowd? WHAT will the JWS talk about on the way home, the upbuilding talks? I think not. Will the press ask the streaker why they did it and report their views? What will the householders want to talk about the next day?

    N.B. This is just a hypothetical situation - I do not condone breaking the law.

  • LittleToe

    It's been done in England, in the last ten years (I forget the date and stadium).
    Everyone just laughed, before the individual got covered up with a jacket.

    This goes to prove, yet again, that Britain rocks.

  • sleepy

    I remmeber someone telling once of a streaker at a Southhampton assembly.

  • Englishman

    Why not hire experienced streakers?

    Here's a few:


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • alliwannadoislive

    i was there at 'The Dell' in Southampton when we had a real life butt-nekkid streaker - one of the ministerial servants from my (then) congregation was running after the guy trying to cover him with his jacket - it was hilarious but difficult not to laugh ... ahem ...

    also on a different year at Southampton we had a bomb scare and were evacuated to Southampton Common (i hear eman saying common is appropriate for scummers ...)

    these were great ways to create conventions that were actually interesting and memorable ...

  • terafera

    You guys dont know how many times I daydreamed of running through the Assembly or Hall naked!! I would sit there, my butt and mind numb...irritable and uncomfortable...ah....how nice would it be to run naked in the cool breeze? Then I would imagine the looks of shock and horror as I run through, exposing my curvaseous nakedness! LOL

    I always wanted to do it, but I would have to be VERY drunk.. I'm too shy!

  • cellomould

    Kudos to Nudity!!!


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

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