The Law Covenant was a 'sh adow' of the better Covenant to come. Everyone at Sinai agreed to, and was part of that covenant - no exceptions! It was not just for the priesthood. The pa rallel should be blindingly obvious - the New Covenant applies to and includes everyone who exercises faith in Christ's blood. Did Jesus say, "this means my blood of the Covenant which is to be poured out in behalf of 144,000?" No, he said "many". If like me you are an active Witness who genuinely seeks the truth, use the Bible only to research this crucial teaching in God's word. Reason on why Jehovah allowed 2 pagan women to become part of the Messianic family tree, then analyse the Society's motives for teaching that only "natural" Israelites were part of the Law Covenant. Because it allows for the creation of a two-class system amongst Jesus' "one flock" of sheep. It is implicit that all who are baptized on the basis of Christ's shed blood are obligated to commemorate his death by eating the bread and wine. Research how this was done - not in a ritualistic, public display to proclaim you had the heavenly hope , but privately at home involving a meal. More and more brothers & sisters are coming to the realisation that a false teaching is excluding them from obeying Jesus' command to all his followers to commemorate his death , not to 'observe' as a spectator. Hence the reason the number of partakers is growing each year, not declining. For an in-depth and Scriptural confirmation of who should really partake, take a look at the PERIMENO website. Then you may discover what the Bible really teaches!
Memorial - Commemoration or Observance?
by The Searcher 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
thank you, well said, well documented, so,
cutting the witless witnesses off from life, a great loss, what is in it for the WTBtS?
desperate slaves, who now are engaged in the impossible task to WORK out their salvation.
slaves being worked to death.
there are consequences for not readingn ot applying john 6/
There is no record in early Christianity of non-partakers, or that they made a fuss about doing it once a year and then got the date wrong nearly every time as the WT does.
I think they came together often to remember everything about Jesus person, his teaching and example, the bread and wine were excellent aide memoirs when taken as Paul commanded, in a respectful, spiritual, way.
I think they came together often to remember everything about Jesus person, his teaching and example, the bread and wine were excellent aide memoirs when taken as Paul commanded, in a respectful, spiritual, way.
TOTALLY agree with you!! I can't understand how a person can be a Christian and not be anointed . IMHO, t he two are inseparable , if you are a Christian then you are anointed .
Well ,I gotta say the LF are made up of all tribes and nations the apostles were to preach to the nations as jesus took care of Israel personally and there were few prospects even after all his miracles . The Israel of GOD is not the same as ancient Israel and the promise to abraham . The 2 folds of sheep was about the jew and gentile as equals without favoritsm . The apostles went on about no more enmity even regarding the fact that the romans were still in charge of Israel . What I gather from the scriptures was the apostle Paul being the first to baptize a woman and being excited that she was prophesying but in the end tell all women in the congregation to learn in silence and puts them under authority of their husband rather than jesus directly so I think things had changed drastically , women are not allowed to preach so cannot do the job of an evangelizer or work in the convertion areas so would not be elligible for the reward in heaven . Paul went on to even say that women now would only be saved through , faith , childbearing and sanctification . The LF are martyred as a sacrifice to GOD because of spreading the Gospel good news.