Band on the Run Feeling Disapair and Sucidal Ideation-Help Is Needed

by Scott77 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scott77

    I often feel despair b/c of illness over which I have no control. Sometimes I ponder suicide. I know I am depressed so I defer any action until I can gauge my thoughts more accurately. Often, within a short span of time, I notice myself having great fun. It is important to have close friends so you can safely vent. Therapy helps. Twelve Step groups help.

    Band on the Run

    Please, contact a crisis Counselor for therapy session. Speaking out about your feelings is therapic in itself. I hope your situation is manageble. Life is sweet. Your educated posts have been very refreshing to me. Please, keep up writing. You are indeed a valuable and much loved member of our JW net site. Scott77

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I see a therapist. I talk with friends. Thinking about it is one thing. Doing it is quite another. My point was not to act on impulse. Another point is that such feels, altho fleeting, are human. I doubt if I am the only person who feels despair when in a hopeless situation. The suicide rate for the pain my illness caused was 95% or greater. It is worse pain than terminal cancer pain. Yet I am here. After more than twenty years, my pain has long been in remission. Remission only occurred b/c I was in denial and could not see God causing pain. Jehovah I could see. Jehovah was the problem. He will get you every time, particularly if you decide to pursue education and are at the pinnacle of your field with great dates and wonderful friends.

    I am sorry if you misinterpreted my point. It is nice of you to care.

  • ohiocowboy

    Band, from someone who often feels the same way, I wish you the strength to carry on in a postive, energetic and healing way! Even with therapy and antidepressants, we can still have days when we figure, what's the point? Fortunately, when having those days, we are able to overcome the negativity and get on with life in a more positive way. I'm sorry that you have some rough and painful days, they really suck. Take care from someone who can really understand!

  • Scott77

    Can anyone please, post here to provide much needed encouragement to Band on the Run and the ohiocowboy? I think, these two nice gentlemen mean much to us and your messages mean to much to them. Please, show that you care. Their resilence under pain is extraordinary and inspirational to those who may have similar issue. Hi OhioCowboy, thank you for saying it, "we are able to overcome the negativity and get on with life in a more positive way"


  • bsmart

    Band, I like to read your comments, quite often they match my feelings but more concisely expressed.

    We all have down days... Take care


    Band on the Run

    I hope you hang in there! You posted on one of my threads stating that you had facial neuralgia. I looked it up on WIKIPEDIA and it sounds very painful. Do you have central neuralgia or peripheal neuralgia?

    I've had health problems the last 2 years that have made me depressed but I continue to fight in a positive way. The last 2 years I've had :

    Kidney Stones.....Gall Stones.....High Blood Pressure.....Tinnitus.....2 Herniated Disc.....Deviated Septum.....Sleep Apnea.....and hearing loss. I'm only 50 years old.

    Everytime I see a Doctor they ask,'' How are you doing?'' I tell them that these medical issues are just small problems.

    I just hope I never get cancer. That's when I would become depressed. My cousin passed away 2 years ago from liver cancer and that makes all my health problems seem so small.

    Take care of yourself!

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    @ Band on the Run... (((((hug)))))

  • JeffT

    I attempted suicide on Aug 13, 2005. I'm glad I didn't succeed. Two weeks later I went into rehab and actually went to work on my problems, things have gotten better ever since. My pain was self-inflicted and internal. You have my best wishes in dealing with a problem that is beyond your control.

  • designs

    One of the therapies in counseling is to use imagination to playout and diffuse our sad and anxious moments. One scene was related to me from the VA in Los Angeles, they have the person visualize a train coming into a station (representing either some fear or desire) and it comes to a halt the doors open someone beckons you to come on board you say no thanks and watch the train leave.

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