In fact the WTS says that baptism as a jw is the mark mentioned at Ezekiel 9:4-6. That people who are not will die forever at Armageddon.
***w87 4/15 pp. 12-13 par. 12 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism***
Should even youths consider baptism? Well, recall that Jehovah told the six armed men in the vision: “Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off—to a ruination. But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near.” (Ezekiel 9:6) Of course, children too young to make a dedication would be protected by a parent’s “mark” if that parent is striving to bring the children up to love Jehovah and if they are obediently responding. (1 Corinthians 7:14) Yet, if a child is intelligent enough to make a personal decision and has reached the point where he “knows how to do what is right,” do not presume that he will continue indefinitely under the merit of his parent’s “mark.”—James 4:17.
Because the mark in Ezekiel 9:4-6 is baptism as one of jws. Only jws will not be destroyed at the end, Armageddon per the WTS.
*** w08 7/15 pp. 5-6 par. 11 The House-to-House Ministry—Why Important Now? ***By means of the preaching and disciple-making work, the anointed class puts a symbolic mark on those who become
part of Christ’s “other sheep.” (John 10:16) What is the mark? It is the evidence, as if displayed on their uncovered
foreheads, that such sheep are dedicated, baptized disciples of Jesus Christ and that they have put on the Christlike
new personality. (Eph. 4:20-24)
*** w96 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other
ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. As a result of his dedication and baptism, he becomes ‘marked’ for
salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** w88 11/15 p. 17 par. 10 Helping Others to Worship God ***An announcement that he is a new unbaptized publisher can be made to the congregation. He should continue studying
the Bible, participating in the meetings, applying what he learns, and sharing it with others. Before long, he will want to
take the step of Christian baptism, thus becoming approved by God and ‘marked’ for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** km 10/87 p. 8 par. 7 Help Others to Dedication and Baptism ***Only those ‘marked’ for salvation will survive into Jehovah’s new system. (Ezek. 9:2-6) How happy those who submit to this ‘marking’ for survival will be because of their dedicated relationship with Jehovah God, as symbolized by water baptism!