A newly interested study gave his first Bible reading on the school the other night. I used to be filled with emotion and hope for ones like him: found "in the field," given real hope, the discipline of "the truth" at work in their hearts. This guy is a good guy and I have no plans for raining on his parade, but I sat there while he did an excellent job with the reading. (this guy is a true individual, a real character) and I felt sorry for him. The control that will be excercised over his life, the doubts that he will have to put on the back burner while he makes "progress." It's so pathetic because he will likely end up with a whole set of kitchen knives in his back before he realizes anything.
this was kind of sad
by stillin 6 Replies latest jw friends
You should try and slip him some information if you can. A paper with jwfacts.com on it perhaps, with a 'please look!!!' kind of thing. Even a note that you are anonymous because of the shunning, df'ing policy and that you hate to see a good guy drawn in to that sort of thing?
Slip it onto his car window, or his bag, or his jacket, or something if you can.
I understand (truly) if the risk is too great for you, and it is still his responsibility to search for himself. But it would be good to try.
Great idea, tec.
Very good idea, Tammy. stillin, try to reach this guy any way you (safely) can before it's too late for him. At least if you give him the MEANS to look for himself you know you did what you could given the situation.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
If you get a chance, practice some "conversation stoppers" on him... so he'll be prepared for the ministry.
He really needs to research and be ready if householders ask about blood, 607, disfellowshipping, the flood, etc.
dog is god
He's not too far gone....unless he had a really screwed up family.
I feel the same sadness when i see my mother. She is not the most healthy woman, yet she still gets up early on Sunday and goes preaching. The little energy she has is wasted on working for the Org. Sometimes i think to myself that i almost don't want her to come to the realization that most of what she believes in, in a bunch of horse sh*t. It would be devastating to her, and i think that the paradise bliss dream, is really what keeps her going and gives her some hope.
Sometimes i find myself engaging her about fallacies inside the Org, to which she is clueless about, and rarely has a answer for it. And then i simply back off - realizing that it's simply not worth it. At this point, i rather her spend the rest of her days with that glimpse of hope, even if leads to nothing.