JW conman pretended to be a successful butcher to commit a £3.3million tax fraud

by sizemik 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sizemik

    They teach them well in WT land . . .

    Walter meaty: Fraudster butcher in £3.3million tax con

    Gary Turner convinced people he ran a meat wholesalers famous for its sausage rolls – but the firm had been bust for 14 years.

    His Walter Mitty-type fantasy was in fact a ruse to rip off the taxpayer by continuing to claim vast sums of VAT from HMRC on the basis he was still in charge of a going concern.

    And the cash he gained funded a luxury lifestyle.

    When Turner’s detached house was raided, revenue officers found five luxury cars with personalised number plates and a watch collection worth more than £35,000, including two Rolexes valued at £17,420.

    A £4,600 juke box and three guitars costing £2,000 were also discovered.

    It also emerged he spent £7,000 on family holidays to Spain and used more taxpayer money to build a new house with a top of the range kitchen and bathroom as well as two other properties.

    Turner, 47 a Jehovah’s Witness, was declaring huge profits from his non-existent business and claiming back tens of thousands of pounds every year.

    Read more . . . http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/walter-meaty-fraudster-butcher-in-33million-758561

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The need is great in Spain, so, apparently, Jehovah blessed him with the means to do His work.

  • alanv

    I expect he learnt his tax evasion from his mother organisation. They managed to get out of paying tax on their literature some time ago.

  • cantleave

    Mmmmm Botswana beef!!!

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