My wife turned fifty five the other day and I pen this from her perspective.
"Happy Birthday". A harmless, yet meaningful expression of recognition from one's parents that they appreciate having brought you into the world. For many it is a special day to be remembered, and to acknowledge that you are remembered.
In all her years of life my wife has never been given a birthday greeting from her parents. She is now so far removed from the witness life of her childhood that she no longer cares, but surely for many it must raise doubts and insecurities about their relationship with their parents, that their parents cannot express some sort of joy and remembrance over the fact that they brought a child into the world.
But then again, we must take into account that these parents are jws, for whom it should not be underestimated what they may be likely to do for the sake of their deluded bible beliefs. Birthdays = glorifying self = idolatry = one pissed off jehovah = bird fodder.
Cheeses. Just another reason why jws and their religion are disgusting.