When were Judge Rutherford's books discontinued by The Watchtower?

by VM44 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Judge Rutherford wrote a good number of books and booklets that were published a distributed by The Watchtower from about 1919 to 1942.

    The man died in 1942.

    Does anyone when The Watchtower stopped printing and distributing Rutherford's books?

    I have a hunch that soon after Knorr took charge of the Watchtower, Rutherford's books were IMMEDIATELY replaced by books authored by anonymous, corporate WT authors.

    The 1942 Children book, called "the Lord's provided instrument", probably wasn't distributed for more than a year after it was released!

    Anyone know exactly when Rutherford's books were dropped by the WT?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Inquiring minds want to know

  • zadok777

    I remember going door to door in the 1950's and offering three (3) of the Judge Rutherford's books. The offer was (3) books for

    $1.50. Any of his books until the supply ran out. I have no clear memory when that offer ended but I would say before '55. Those were the

    the days of wine and roses. Zadok 777...

  • Phizzy

    I am too young to remember, (phew!) but I think I was told they stopped his books when the green "Let God be True" book came out. They then had a rapid bit of Noo LIte, I don't know what, and a cacky pooey brown coloured,revised, "Let God be True" was brought out.

    Early fifties ?

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