Most of the website vistors and members have experience the wonderful conditional love (if not, why are you here?), by the followers of the Watchtower Society. Did you
feel the LOVE "that no other organization or group of men and women have experienced" or was it elusive during your tour of the religion? Did you ever find the promised "brotherhood of joy" or was that the "long con". A honest
evaluation of the love Jesus Christ's disciples were ordered to practice, does not exist in this version of religon. The indentifying "mark" was "a different kind of love" love that was uncommon in this world, it would transcended the fear of death (I am willing to die for my brother), and made life happy, joyful and optimistic(These people are the cat's meow, they love so much!). The amount of "Hall-Jumpers" who
are looking for a congregation that is "loving" is at a all time high. Women complain their husbands are having problems "getting close to a another
male, a fishing, golf or bowling buddy" and husbands laugh at some of the so-called friends their wives have. Now for the question, now that you
have been primed, are you finding friendships easier in the World? Do you find the new people as shallow, hollow or, are they more interesting with a
wide array of interest. Do you socialize in groups of activities you enjoy, golf league, bowling league, clubs or donate time to help charities and other
forbidden frowned upon activities? Once bitten, twice shy or open your arms up to any new man or women? Just curious.